QC: http://www.gog.com/en/forum/general/interracial_marriage_should_be_illegalaccording_to_mississippi_republican_voters/page13 Quote from TheEnigmaticT: Flux, you may choose to hold whatever poisonous beliefs make you happy. I don't know if you're trolling or serious, but in either instance your views are a very tiny minority in this forum's makeup (fortunately we're not Stormfront here), and when you bring these up, the conversations quickly get unpleasant. Believe what you want, but you don't get to talk about it here. I'm not taking any mod action on your account at this time, but this is your warning. If you continue to post these kinds of discussions, I will.
You've already been busted a couple of times. I'm pretty certain he's not going to be much nicer since you go around picking fights with everyone you deem "liberal". Ah, and that's another thing, before I forget. Many people on this site are European. Meaning, you calling them liberal is like me calling you a wealth of courtesy and human tolerance. It doesn't apply, in their case because many of them have a vastly different political environment. I believe in Britain, liberals would actually be the one you side with. Or maybe that's France. I don't remember.
I don't claim to be above the rules nor do I claim that haven't broken some here and there. I DO claim however that you're about the worse person on this site that I've met, and it's probably the same for a bunch of people on here. Now stop looking for an argument or go away, both are a good option. Your poisonous and backwards "facts", as laughable as it is to call them that, don't belong here or anywhere.

XmXFLUXmX: Here's rule number 1:
"Be polite and treat others just like you want them to treat you. Everyone should feel comfortable and therefore any language or content that is harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or offensive in any other way will not be tolerated. This also includes links to such content;"
How about you quit threatening, harassing, and trying to intimidate me before you try and lecture me about the rules, when you clearly have broken many of them. You aren't even trying to tell me i've broken the rules, you just don't like what I have to say, and that makes this all the more pathetic. You just can't handle differing opinions.
Well good, you admit you break them too. You've harassed anyone you deem liberal, made racist remarks (Edit: Oh hey look, there's more of it in the other Protoss thread) and spoke down about homosexual relations (discrimination), talked down to anyone and everyone who disagrees with your poisonous logic (more harassment), being everyone, and generally offended everyone with your bull, so I'm just treating you the same way you treat all dissenters. And your opinion is just that, an opinion. You aren't agreeing with mine either, or anyone else. So what's that say? You're just as much a jackass as I am, and I'm admitting it. I went and posted the MODERATOR'S OWN TEXT TO YOU!!!!! His personal message to you, telling you to knock it off. So guess what? He's the only one who can resolve this. I'm contacting him, telling him to reprimand both of us. That way it's fair to you, fair to everyone else on this site.