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low rated
I really want to play The Old Republic,but I need to ask:is the game good?how about the restrictions?are really intrusive to my game play?or should I stick to Tera?
ditto on those questions.

I was just thinking of that this morning.
Quick Google search got me the answer. If you go over that, you'll find out what the restrictions are and decide for yourself if its intrusive enough or not for you to play.
Looks pretty restrictive to me but only you can decide for yourself.
Post edited September 30, 2013 by teshra
There was a large thread talking about this game not too long ago.

I liked the game, the free to play limitations aren't all that bad unless you wanna do pvp or the space battles(they suck anyway). It's defenitely worth playing through once.
MikeMaximus: There was a large thread talking about this game not too long ago.

I liked the game, the free to play limitations aren't all that bad unless you wanna do pvp or the space battles(they suck anyway). It's defenitely worth playing through once.
Or twice but with different class or so I've heard.

Play it like a single player RPG SW Themed, after you end the story or reach high level is crap, according to what I've seen.
low rated
Simply put: If you have never played the game before, the f2p option is a great way to get into it. But then again...if you have ever played with a subscription there is no way you want to go back and lose all the nice features. So I'd recommend playing the game for free and if you like the style of it (story and stuff) -> go subscribe.
Are there any roleplaying servers in SW:TOR?
low rated
IIRC there are PvE, PvP and RP servers.
Wurzelkraft: IIRC there are PvE, PvP and RP servers.
Hmm, if there's real, proper RP I may be interested. RP was the only thing that kept me playing WoW :)
low rated
Wurzelkraft: IIRC there are PvE, PvP and RP servers.
KneeTheCap: Hmm, if there's real, proper RP I may be interested. RP was the only thing that kept me playing WoW :)
I played the game in early 2012 for about 2 months (just after release) and it had a ton of servers. Then they realized it didn't work out, stuff happened, now we have f2p and the German servers were merged to form 3 servers for the different playstyles, which I experienced when I played the game again earlier this year. So now we should have more players on a server, kinda nice I guess. I didn't play on a RP server though so I don't know if people take it seriously.
Post edited September 30, 2013 by Wurzelkraft
I have been playing SW:TOR for a couple of months now. So let me try to answer your questions.

First of all the game is a story based MMORPG. There are 8 different story lines to explore (8 different character classes) and around 15 different planets (shared content). The stories are good but not exactly on the caliber of a single player game, like lets say SW: KOTOR 1.

If you are playing 4-5 hours a day playing through the story line of a single class will take you around 1-2 months. At which point you will reach the level cap. At level cap (L 55 currently) the story takes a back seat and the game becomes more of a MMO, with raids and grinding and such. This part of the game is labeled as "elder game".

The game is free-to-try not free to play. You can create a character and you won't notice any restrictions until you are around L30-L40. After that the restrictions like the money cap starts hurting. It becomes almost too much trouble at elder game. Still up to that point the game is completely free and after that you can decide for yourself if you want to subscribe or not.

The game overall is quite good, it has its ups (good story, replayibility value, balanced combat system) and downs (bugs, f2p restrictions, not being a single player game, did I mention bugs? like Fallout 1 kind of bugs?) like every other game. If you decide to play a small reminder, the game character classes is quite balanced. No single class is much stronger than other, which means no all conquering jedi/sith. Pick a MMO role (dps/heal/tank) and choose a class accordingly.
I just reinstalled the game myself (hadn't played but a bit, and a long while ago) and started a new character, but haven't actually done much playing yet. I will say I really like what I've seen, as far as story and voice acting and such. Haven't seen enough to really say anything of use, though, other than that I think it's worth checking out, even though I usually solo MMOs.
KneeTheCap: Are there any roleplaying servers in SW:TOR?
The number of game servers has been cut down during, I believe, the last year. Currently, each major locale has 3 servers, a PvP, a PvE and RP PvE. The RP is not enforced, and mostly done in guild or in private, also there are no naming restrictions.
low rated
zolansilverspear: ....and downs (bugs, f2p restrictions, not being a single player game, did I mention bugs? like Fallout 1 kind of bugs?) like every other game. If you decide to play a small reminder, the game character classes is quite balanced. No single class is much stronger than other, which means no all conquering jedi/sith. Pick a MMO role (dps/heal/tank) and choose a class accordingly.
True, I wish it was singleplayer, maybe something like Borderlands, where people could drop in and out to complete certain group quests. The stories might not be as strong as they could be in a true singleplayer game but damn, it would be nice to have SW:TOR in SP with all features, no required subscription and some genuine co-op action.