writer2036: Well with just over an hour of the GOG Sale to go I got the entire Ultima series for $8.94 I figured at that price it was worth it even if I don't like all the games in the series. Thank you to all who recommended these games and helped me make this decision.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_IlNbsILLE I think you might like some of the early Utlimas especially since you grew up on the Apple ][ which most of the Ultima's(1-5) were originally made for, also if the graphics are a bit off putting at least Ultima 2 and 3(who's dos versions were made for Composite monitors which would smudge the 4 colours and turn them into 16 colours which resembled the apple 2 versions, DOSbox has trouble with at least for Ultima 2 and 3 anyway. So you may want to look into using PIX's ultima patcher which allows you to add a EGA graphics upgrade along with a planetary map fix(Origin had over written the data files for non essential planets the patch re-adds the orginal maps for those planets)
Ultima 3's patch allows for 4 colour CGA, 16 colour composite CGA, EGA and VGA graphics(though the Dungeons graphics don't change except with Composite which turn the dungeon walls to their intended Blue and Red colour) and adds the music missing in the DOS version but avalible in the other versions including the Apple ][(if you have a mockingbird of course)
Ultima 4's adds VGA graphics and the missing music, please bear in mind that at the time PC's only had PC speaker so they couldn't add music even if they wanted too, well they could but it would be painful to hear.
Ultima 5's adds just the music
grab Pix's Patcher here:
also keep in mind that since GOG has changed the way their DOSbox config's work so you will have to change what file they load manually(previously the patcher would do that for you) just open "dosbox_game name here_Single.conf in a text editor like notepad and then
you should see something like this
mount C "..\ULTIMA2"
ultimaII.exe -change this line to the proper patched version(see list)
Ultima 2 - change UltimaII.EXE to Ultima2.com
Ultima 3 - change from Ultima.com to Ultima3.com
Ultima 4- no change needed
Ultima 5 - change from Ultima.exe to Ultima5.com Now if this doesn't work(you don't hear any music) then you may have to run setm and select a diffrent sound card and/or run u5cfg and check to see if you have music enabled. Both are found within your Ultima 5 folder(pending you installed the patch, note that Pix's patcher currently will not register it as installed) from within windows to get it to work though