crazy_dave: Now that they are selling new games this will change. But I don't think that this was/is a taboo on the same level as DRM-free + 1-global price as it has been pointed out that standalone expansions are already sold separately in quite a few cases. The only game violating their 1-global price rule is The Witcher 2 and that is by court order.
I think the not selling expansions/DLC as standalone products applies only to older games where GOG wants to sell 'complete editions' even if the game never got such a package originally. For these games, I would like to see GOG strive to sell 'complete' games, but if unable to, especially due to rights issues where the rights to the expansion is held by more/different people, then they can compromise on that.
However, selling such 'complete editions' is not even possible with new games. I think The Witcher 2 is set to get an expansion or two is it not? CDPR may believe in adding DLC for free (very nice of them), but they'll probably want to sell full expansions (totally fair). I hope GOG will balk if the publisher wants to implement predatory selling practices, but DLC and exp packs are not intrinsically predatory.
I don´t think they would add it for free. ;-)