Gonchi: Actually, in the stories Sherlock Holmes is very strong and an adept boxer and fencer. Granted it didn't come up all that often, but him beating the living snot out of someone isn't completely out there.
rampancy: From what I recall reading in interviews, the writers/director actually saw this version of Holmes as being very faithful to the original depiction of Holmes in Doyle's writings, and I was surprised that some of my friends who are avid Holmes fans actually agree. FWIW, I enjoyed the first movie as a decent popcorn action film with token detective elements in it, and I'm sure the second one will be no different.
tarangwydion: I think Jared Harris is pretty good though, especially since the other Moriarty portrayal I remember watching is that *shudder* clown from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie.
rampancy: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was goofy and over the top (but I actually found the graphic novel series even more *delightfully* goofy and over the top), but yeah, I found Moriarty in that movie to be utterly forgettable.
The thing was, I actually didn't mind this version of Homes until I took up watching the Steven Moffat's "Sherlock", with Benedict Cumberbatch. IMO, Moffat's portrayal of Sherlock and Moriarty are so much more superior and believable than the recent movie's portrayal (though I can't comment on their take on Moriarty yet). From what I've read the new episodes are going to air on the BBC on January 1st. I can't wait.
"Sherlock" as in the modern remake? I love it, and I'm really impatient for the new episodes (especially since it ended on a cliffhanger).
I really enjoyed the first Holmes movie. It's true that the details and approach were different than the original Doyle stories, but I think it succeeded at translating the Sherlock Holmes spirit into a different style. And the chemistry between Law and Robert Downey Jr. helped to carry the whole thing along.
That said, I can see why Holmes fans cry foul, and if the second movie is as action-packed and crazy as it looks (I have yet to see it) I'm sure they'll have all the more reason. Still am looking forward to it, though, if only for the epic slo-mo and RD Jr.