fronzelneekburm: snip
The Zoepost wasn't really the beginning though. ... some reddit mod who was in cahoots with Zoe nuked all discussion (which was well over 1000 comments).
I've said it before, they could've put the lid on this thing by not stifling free discussion ...
Agreed... it all started eons ago in a big bang, expansion happened, etc...
Like, people still argue what caused WW1, the assassination? The ultimatums? The mobilizations? The invasion of Belgium? Or the arms race? Or the imperialist zero sum game?
For an US example Fort Sumter, slavery, tariffs, western states, industrialization, republican senate, federalism...
Whoever you are, pretending the heavy moderation didn't happen (ethics!), or the personal relations are not factual and should inherently somehow be above suspicion (ethics!), or the actors have no conflicts of interest whether economical or ideological (ethics!) is disingenuous at best and consciously in bad faith at worst. Your unwillingness to accept the valid points of your opponents only reinforces the polarization and manicheanism which are in evidence. Much as you like to ignore it, the GG side does not ignore harassment, confronts threats, etc...
Your insistence the misogyny is THE issue, to the exclusion of other values and priorities, to the detriment of objective evaluation of the evidence, is precisely the ethical main problem. We don't want OUR personal to reflect YOUR politics. Your intolerance, based on the unproven assumption we are responsible for some distributed social evil, is again THE ethical core issue to our side.
Here's an hot off the press example of the superficiality. Tom Bramwell in an exit interview, which I recommend for its humane warmth if nothing else, says:
I think I'm inherently sexist, as I think probably all men are, because of the way we're conditioned by society to regard women as objects rather than people. I see this all the time. ... I think it's darkly hilarious, working in a company that has been unwittingly assembled almost exclusively of men, in an industry with a terrible gender imbalance in its make-up and output and a wage gap you could drive a bus through, that it's even considered a debate now rather than just a blindingly obvious truth hiding in plain sight, ... Consider the specific evidence provided. It's superficial. Correlation does not imply causation. Statistical inequality may represent actual and factual differences in the phenomena, rather than conscious or subconscious 'problematic' intent.
Consider an alternative postulate. All humans are inherently empathy limited. They are conditioned by biology to regard all others (regardless of gender) as objects, except for reduced circles of acquaintances, no more than circa 2/3 hundred strong at most (usually rather dozens I believe).
Whatever, I felt like going on into cultural norms, but whatever...