Crosmando: I haven't been able to work up the will to finish Dead Man's Switch yet. I don't mind linear if the hubs are freely explorable and have side-quests, but this takes linear to a whole new level.
The game has a cool intro set-up, but once you get out of the Morgue and into the Seattle streets, it doesn't take long to realize just how tiny and boxed-in the maps are, once you realize that the only thing to do on each map is talk to the people the game wants you to talk to, and go to the locations the game wants you to progress, it immediately starts feeling really artificial quick. The dialogues and music are the only thing that really kept me playing.
I might try and finish it when the next campaign comes out to import my Mage. I can only hope that the main campaign is basically a tech demo of the editor and the real awesomeness is yet to come in the form of conversions of official Shadowrun modules by fans, I also note that SRR is the top-seller on Steam so I hope they put that money to good use and make some bigger OPEN adventures for us.
There's some sparks of goodness in the main campaign though, the "puzzle" with getting into Coyote's computer was interesting because you can actually bypass that entirely by using Decking to hack the computer (I wasn't playing a Decker). I also have been able to bribe my way out of a few encounters that could have turned ugly. So there is definitely the possibly for some alternate solutions.
Not sure about that character system though, very boring, anyone know if the editor can change it?
I didn't pre-order for this very same prediction.
Given the time they had to work on it and the fact that it was over head isometric like the SNES game, I was pretty sure that it was going to be no more sophisticated than the first SNES game but with modern graphics.