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I really enjoyed Shadow Warrior hope this one turns out good.
Just a few threads down...
A little slow today must be the weather
"This unexpected reboot is being produced by Devolver Digital.."

Meh, another steam-only game i guess :/
I wonder who's initiative is it to make these reboots. The new Apogee Software, or the old 3dr/apogee.
tryingnewstyle: I wonder who's initiative is it to make these reboots. The new Apogee Software, or the old 3dr/apogee.
I think it's Devolver Digital, they were also the ones who pushed for Megaton Duke and Classic+ Shadow Warrior on Steam.
Personally, I'd also like to see a reboot of Blake Stone. :D
tryingnewstyle: I wonder who's initiative is it to make these reboots. The new Apogee Software, or the old 3dr/apogee.
The latter. It was 3DR that put Shadow Warrior on GOG not the new Apogee. They were also the ones to put out Shadow Warrior iOS. What exactly their role is in this new Shadow Warrior is unknown as of now though.
tryingnewstyle: I wonder who's initiative is it to make these reboots. The new Apogee Software, or the old 3dr/apogee.
SCPM: I think it's Devolver Digital, they were also the ones who pushed for Megaton Duke and Classic+ Shadow Warrior on Steam.
Personally, I'd also like to see a reboot of Blake Stone. :D
Me too. But I mean, Devolver is the publisher, who are they working with, since the old Apogee/3dr is pretty much dead, do they still own the IP's? What i dont like about these reboots is that the game that comes out is a completely different one, with only a few nods to the old game by means of a reference here and there.
tryingnewstyle: Me too. But I mean, Devolver is the publisher, who are they working with, since the old Apogee/3dr is pretty much dead, do they still own the IP's? What i dont like about these reboots is that the game that comes out is a completely different one, with only a few nods to the old game by means of a reference here and there.
For the Duke and Shadow Warrior Steam releases they were working with a team known as General Arcade (here's a link to one of the members' profile on another forum). Now with Shadow Warrior they're working with Flying Wild Hogs, and they have other development studios that they publish games for like Croteam and Dennaton. I have no idea when or how Devolver got the IP rights to do this, Duke's rights seemed to be divided between at least 4 studios now?
I know what you mean about reboots in general, but that is the point, to try a new direction. At least, we still have the originals, so even a bad reboot can't ruin those.
tryingnewstyle: Me too. But I mean, Devolver is the publisher, who are they working with, since the old Apogee/3dr is pretty much dead, do they still own the IP's? What i dont like about these reboots is that the game that comes out is a completely different one, with only a few nods to the old game by means of a reference here and there.
SCPM: For the Duke and Shadow Warrior Steam releases they were working with a team known as General Arcade (here's a link to one of the members' profile on another forum). Now with Shadow Warrior they're working with Flying Wild Hogs, and they have other development studios that they publish games for like Croteam and Dennaton. I have no idea when or how Devolver got the IP rights to do this, Duke's rights seemed to be divided between at least 4 studios now?
I know what you mean about reboots in general, but that is the point, to try a new direction. At least, we still have the originals, so even a bad reboot can't ruin those.
No the Duke rights are divided between 3D Reams(which is still very much an active company, see my post here) which has the rights to all Duke games released or in production prior to DNF as well the movie rights to the franchise and Gearbox who has the rights to DNF and all future games. As far as I can tell Devolver Digital haven't bought the Shadow Warrior IP but are working with 3D Realms on this(they own the domain for one thing). But what if any role 3D Realms has in this is not officially confirmed.
This isn't really a surprise. When the folks remaking Rise of the Triad announced the remake, they indicated in an interview that RotT and Shadow Warrior were equally requested remakes, they just felt RotT would be easier to license and go forward with, which kindof told me it was just a matter of time.
Post edited May 09, 2013 by Shinook
I don't get the point of rebooting a one-title franchise. Is there even anything to reboot? The IP will mean nothing to the new generation, while changing the basics of the original is likely to piss off its fans. I have much hope and respect for the Hard Reset devs, but I'd have been more comfortable with a sequel or a "spiritual successor".
Unexpected is right, since the original Shadow Warrior, though a fun game, was a major dissapointment in terms of sales..which is why the two expansions,though actualy completed, were never released.
Devolver has a perfect right to obtain the licence and do whatever they want,but I would question this from a business point of view, and wonder if there were not better bets for a reboot out there.
Solei: "This unexpected reboot is being produced by Devolver Digital.."

Meh, another steam-only game i guess :/
Yeah bummer
If anyone can make a re-boot or spiritual successor it would be Flying Hogs. While slightly flawed, Hard Reset really does have the feel of an old school FPS. I found the level design and weapon selection interesting and reminscent of the old school shooters. My only concern is the script. Shadow Warrior was an FPS, but I think I remember it most by the extreme craziness that it was. Just decent shooter wrapped in Oriental themed insanity.