frostcircus: Congratulations DarrkPhoenix, on making the two most sensible posts in this entire thread.
Also, Weclock makes it perfectly clear that it's not the idea of knowing somebody's sexual orientation (or other 'irrelevant' information) that bothers him, but the idea of knowing that they're homosexual. This is the very reason why some gay people are so open about their sexuality - because society so often forces them not to be.
I'm not certain if I fully understand your post, I have no problems with gay people, my brother is gay, and I'm currently allowing two lesbian women to crash at my place for a few days. what is bothering me about this thing, is that information that is not necessary to be told to us, is being waved in our faces. be gay, straight, or into beastiality, i don't really care, just stfu and play the game already. does our success in the match depend on me knowing how much you love to be gay? eat pizza? be straight? or do crack?
no, it does not.
Weclock: Your idea of how to raise children is irrelevant to mine. What I teach my children, and how is upto me.
wbaric: Your children are not your personal property. They are human beings and so they have rights granted by society which you have to respect. You certainly have a right to promote your own personal and arbitrary values to your children, but only as long as they are socially accepted. You can't teach them whatever you want. For example, you can't teach your children to practice animal sacrifice rituals or to participate to sexual games at an early age.
Anyway, the question in this case is not what you teach to your children and what you allow your children to see, but what you impose to other people because of your desire to hide certain facts of life to your children. It's not me who want to control what you do, it's you who want to limit the freedom of other people. I'm sorry to say, but you and your children are not the center of the world. I certainly don't want my life controlled by you because you feel you can't explain something to a kid. It's your problem, not mine.
Personally, I'm not a freedom extremist. I regularly limit myself because of sympathy I have for other parents. My behavior certainly change when there are children around me. I know raising a child is not easy, I know not everyone is a child psychologist, in fact most people are grossly incompetent at raising children, so I understand that hiding some knowledge to children is a necessity. But in this case, I judge your demands (and Microsoft's terms) as abusive, so don't count on me to obey your wishes. I will agree on a "no proselytism" rule, I will agree on a "no incitation to illegal behavior" rule, but I will never agree on a "hide your (shameful) characteristics" rule.
so, given your rationale, I should leave the raising of my children to the state. XD
But there is no reason, if during a game of Wall-E that the question of "What is sex?" or "What does homosexual mean?" need to come up. I'll tell my children when I feel that they are good and ready.
And as far as what I can, and can't do, I certainly do have a lot of freedom behind closed doors, and open doors. I wouldn't do anything like you described, and like I said earlier they have family that is gay, so I am quite prepared on how to handle that, but you cannot take away a parents right to raise their own child in the style they wish. Of course you can't teach them to break the law, and not expect to face the law, but that's the same with your own personal freedoms, you aren't free to kill someone, but you are Free*.
I'm free to raise my kids as athiest, hebrew, catholic, muslim, agnostic, or even heathenistic. I could even raise my kids to be a part of the KKK or a NeoNazi.
As long as they don't infringe on the rights of others or incite speech intended to cause a riot, it's "free speech."
do I care to do any of that? well, I'd certainly try to raise them agnostic and let them pick from there with tools enough to judge what is rational and not (i.e KKK is not socially acceptable). I doubt this woman was going online to play with seven year old boys to explain what lesbian sex is, but I have a right as a parent to censor what my kid sees, and it isn't topical in a game of Shrek to discuss World War II, The Exorcist, or Left 4 Head.
And I believe that any whackjob who goes into these kinds of games with the intent of bringing up these kinds of topics should be banned.
Now I don't know what kind of games she played, maybe she played only M rated games, like L4D or Silent Hill. But I do know that she was harassed by other gamers, I don't feel harassment is appropriate on any level, maybe seein' as it was against the T&C, reporting the user to a moderator is acceptable, but no reason to harass anybody over it.
Also, Laws maybe supersede any arbitrary rules made by corporations and individuals, however in this case it is their own right to terminate service with a customer. Regardless of the reason, it doesn't have to be stated. Microsoft certainly can't force her to do something, but they certainly can refuse service to her.