Agetian: @ Wishbone: Awww I'm so sorry I missed the original release with the redbook audio... I'm considering making higher quality rips from my own HoMM2 Gold CD (if all the CD tracks are still intact...) and replacing the lower quality OGG files with the higher quality rips, but I never seem to find the time... :\ (and I'm not quite positive that my old old old CD is still in the 100% usable condition as far as the music tracks go... back in the day it was one of the most used/abused CDs in my collection).
You should be able to recreate it yourself if you have the original CD. But this is getting very game specific. Have a look at
this thread, it should tell you what you need to know. Otherwise, just ask there.
And let me also state my appreciation of your fantastic OP :-)