Posted June 21, 2014
Announcement: I had the same problem and eventually got fed up with the fact that I would start games but never finish them. I wound up writing up a list of all the games I own - they are divided by platform, (DS\3DS games is one category, PC is another,) and I've started writing checkmarks next to each game as I finish them. This might be too much work for some, and maybe the fact that I'm keeping track might seem like gaming becomes a chore, but for me this method works very well as I find putting checkmarks by my games to be a motivator for me. :)
belinol-proser: I really like this idea, actually, I love it. And I'm going to use it, so thank you very much! I think this will absolutely help me in whittling down the list of not-yet-completed games. Since keeping track of what games I'm playing and have already beat I seem to feel much less of an urge to go back and replay/restart games. For example, if I wanted to play the second game in a series but it had been a while since I'd played the first, I used to be tempted to go back and replay the first one and have a "fresh start" to the series -- but now once I have a game marked off as beat I feel more of a sense of closure and can move forward to tick the next game off of my list.
I also wouldn't worry too much about spoiling yourself by playing very good games first. I've played games with great stories and I've played games with incredibly cliche stories and at worse I'm just more likely to roll my eyes at a particularly overused trope before getting back into the gameplay than I was when I had less exposure to good storytelling. As long as the game doesn't completely hinge on story alone, there's potential for enjoyment.