ET3D: That's a terrible way to work on your self control. If you're like me and you enjoy giving away stuff, buying duplicate just gives you more incentive to buy. Finding out about Steam Gifts made me spend a lot more on games than previously. In particular games that I wasn't sure I really wanted I could always say "well, maybe I'll gift them; let's just buy them and keep them in my inventory".
The only thing which helped was deciding to stop buying games. The temptation is still always there, and I bought some games since I made that decision, but a lot less than I did before, because I try to look at my buying decisions more realistically.
(In the 4+ months since I made that decision II bought 9 games / bundles, excepting my very recent Xbox purchase and related stuff, which was a very evil move, but it's "for the kids". That's compared to 46 game purchases, including for gifting, in the prior 4 months.)
And by the way your generosity is still appreciated, and I'm not entering. I do hope it works for you.