I think it not only has this for CIS region, but for other regions too. Im in latin america at the moment, and latin american countries get listed.
tryingnewstyle: " Notice: Purchases made in <country> can only be added to your library if you are in <list of countries here>"
Seeing it often on several games. What does it mean?
Protoss: It means you better never come to Germany if you want to play South Park or Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Also, it is about gifting. So you can't gift stuff from poor countries to rich countries because people in poor countries pay less for their games. So rich country people could theoretically just pay the poor and they gift the game for a cheaper price. Sucks to have no free trade agreement. (Would suck more to have TPP, though!)
An example: Tropico 5 costs as much as 7.50€ in RU (4 Pack) and 40€ in Europe (single game purchase). Not sure if they region locked it yet, though.
Sucks. Cant you get those games by other means? Hmhm. :)
Tropico 5 is region locked too btw.