carnival73: What a terrible terrible game. I didn't even think that Steam had it. Nor had I noticed it in GOGs library. So dreadfully bad that it had become an S.E.P.
Damuna: Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy?
Another Douglas Adam's reference (as Nirth recognized) from the same series of books that the "42" meme came from.
Adam's suggested that during our lifetime many people will come upon such absurdly peculiar and odd experiences that they will completely ignore and not remember the events on a subliminal level because they're so ridiculously bizarre and stupid that they're not worth the effort to consider let alone even recognize.
In the Hichhiker's books the example was demonstrated by an alien ship blatantly parking itself in the middle of a London square using an 'S.E.P.' cloaking device where in the aliens went through no effort to hide the ship knowing that it was a such a total Fnord everyone would just ignore it.