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I'd like to enter.

It's not really much of a story, but there's this little park near where I live. It's one of those forests with marked paths. The park had a little creek in it, and there's this little campfire site with broken glass scattered around. Of course, there's the usual local stories about witchcraft and rituals, so one day, when I was still in middle school, I went in there with a friend. We didn't see anything unusual, but we did feel something. I felt like throwing up while I was in there, and I didn't eat something bad or anything like that. My friend, who was more spiritual, said she had a bad feeling about the place. We left shortly after that and just forgot about the place.

Sorry I couldn't tell a better story. It's the only paranormal experience I've had.
pH7: You're probably right on the exercise part but I'm not so sure about any machinery being involved..
LOL. That reminds me of when I went to investigate what I thought might be an animal in the wall by placing my ear against it.

Thanks for the giveaway, pH7!

I'll throw in an entry, too. I don't go into supernatural things at all really, but I remember seeing something silver flying crazy patterns in the sky over the hills near our house. I still don't know what it was. Much too fast to be an airplane.

Note that I'm not one to go around saying they've seen aliens or UFOs either.

Just something I haven't been able to explain to myself.
I thought I saw werewolf. Turned out to be my brother wearing a wig.
What is going on with this game? I don't see any news posts.

And not entering.

Post edited September 25, 2012 by Immoli
I would love to enter since the game will vanish and I can't buy it now but... I don't think anything unexplained happened to me so far... well my PC turned off without reason today :P
Ah, I got something.

When I was younger, we lived in a house that was built on an old farm, I think. Well, one day when I was walking out of my room in the middle of the night, I saw a shadow in the middle of the hallway that I swear looked like a person holding a pitchfork.

Ran straight back into my room. :P
Licurg: I saw a UFO once. It was huge, and up close, hovering above my house without making a sound. And I ran inside to take the camera and make a picture, but it was gone when I came out.
I think it kidnapped you and wiped your memory. And I'm pretty sure the aliens forced you to play Sacrifice. -__-
Ok I'm in :)

When I was younger, I was in my grandmother's house in the room watching TV. I was on the edge of the bed when I felt something running through the bed towards my direction. It seemed like a hand. When I looked back it was no one. Until today I have the feeling that it was my great-grandmother who died before I was born. I don't know why, but I just have this feeling.
I want to enter. This is my story and i swear i am not making this up.

When i was a child (i think around 5 years old) i went with my parents to a hotel. In my memory it looked a bit like the overlook hotel from the shining but that is probably my memory that's playing tricks on me. It was a very strange hotel. There was a little outdoor playfield with a swing. It was very small and next to it there was a cage with very angry dogs. Naturally i was very afraid and ran away after a few swings.

But that wasn't the strangest thing. On one day while i was waiting for the lunch to be served i went to the play room next to the hotel restaurant. It was just a room with a few games in it. I had to go through a door that led into a L- shaped corridor and go immediatly into the opposit door to enter the game room. Both door where open when i entered. After a couple of minutes i wanted to return because my parents said: "don't be long, lunch will be here shortly. But when i entered the corridor the door leading to the restaurant was closed. Not really a problem I thought but when i tried to open it, it was locked. I couldn't get out, eventually after some banging and yelling some member of the hotel staff together with my parents freed me.

But that wasn't all. The next day, the next lunch, unafraid of what happend yesterday (someone must have locked the door by accident right?), i once again went to the game room. This time paying close attention to the door. After a few minutes a woman in a French maid uniform comes into the corridor. I was too young to have this image connected with anything sexual (sexy maid uniform) so this was a rather odd image. It just looked strange, but not sexual, so i guess it was really a very old fashioned maid uniform. This woman then closed the door and locked it (so i assume it was the same like the day before). But this time i was paying attention so i yelled to her: hey i am in here! This was in my own country so she should understand me. But she didn't hear me. Then she walked down the L-shaped corridor, while i was following her, yelling at her to please unlock the door. She then opened the door at the end of the corridor and closed it behind her. When i tried that door it was also locked and just like the day before i had to be rescued by a staff member of the hotel and my parents.

I believe i saw a ghost that day. I never saw one before or after and the staff of the hotel didn't have that kind of uniforms. I swear this is true, but my parents didn't believe me. They thought i was accidently locked up twice and got scared or something.

That's my story.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by xxxIndyxxx
Mine is kind of funny. :)

See I used to live in my Grandmother's house after she passed away. Even before then the house had a history of being haunted by another relative who died here in America. So I guess with two spirits running around it gave them more power to do stuff.

Besides the usual "shadows' and "moved objects" now and then I never really paid much attention to them spirits. I even let others live in the house for a while and all was well until they tried to cook.

Oh! I forgot to mention my Great Aunt and Grandmother were both Chinese, this will make sense in a moment. :)

So my roomies were trying to feed themselves so they decided to try and cook some rice. The first tired to cook it in my rice cooker, but somehow (I have no clue how they did this) they burned it. So undeterred they tried again this time on the stove which they claimed they were more "comfortable" with. They burned that batch too.

So as they were getting ready to cook another batch they heard the front security screen door open an then SLAM shut with what could have been called a "Huff."

When they told me what happened I figured it must have been Grandma because they were wasting all my rice! :)

BTW The security door knob wasn't loose and was heavy enough that it never blew open in any wind even if it wasn't latched.
Thanks for the giveaway!

We moved into my grandmother's house in Oct of 2010. Since living here, my sons have seen smoke rolling from a bedroom, me & the hubby occasional smell smoke and I smell perfume, and my hubby has seen shadows a few times and I have once - totally freaky! She passed away in Oct of 2008, which I never saw the connection til just now!
Guess her and papaw have been watching over us.
In my grandparents old house there was a large basement with a pantry for storage every night the the nob to the door leading to the basement would like clockwork at 11:00pm we would hear the door nob start turning back and forth, back and forth night after night, now we all thought this was my uncle who had severe downs syndrome and would often get up in the middle of the night and get into whatever such as the food in the fridge and what not so we always thought it was just him trying to get into the food stored in the pantry in the basement, but my grandfather would swear up and down that it wasn't and that it was the ghost that lived in the basement trying to get out who he affectently called "casper" after the old comic and cartoon character but we all just thought he was full of it. Well some years later my grandparents passed away and my uncle went to a group home, my brother inherited the house and let me and my then wife rent it, well our first night in the house my wife went down stairs as our bedroom was on the second floor and the bathroom was downstairs passed the kitchen where the door to the basement was as well, needless to say my ex-wife runs upstairs freaking out saying that there's someone or something in the basement as the door nob was turning, I guess being half asleep still muttered something that it was just my uncle or so she said and she reminded me that my uncle was no longer living in the house so I get up, grab the heaviest thing I could find I recall it was a lamp or something and took a look and sure enough the door nob was turning back and forth and obviously none of us were turning it so I opened the door and nothing was there but the nob stopped turning,so I closed the door and it started turning again.

I just shook my head realizing that all these years my Grandfather was right and told her to pay it no mind and that it was just Casper being up to his usual tricks.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by DCT
Now, while I don't believe in paranormal things, I must say that I never really understood process of falling in love with someone. What makes you fall in love (not talking about physical atraction) has never been understandable to me. I may be overthinking some normal stuff, but meh...

Slightly off-topic: I never noticed we had free radicals game here. Paranormal activity case #2 :-P
i was walking my dog at 11 pm one autumn and we went near an old deserted storage building, the road is full of rocks and gravel and you could hear your footsteps. We walk around for a while and i keep hearing an extra set of footsteps, but i ignore it thinking it must be coming from my dog. Then after a while I hear them again and I start thinking that my dog is too small to make that kind of walking noise. My dog stops to pee, I stop too and I hear a few distinct heavy steps behind me, like 3-4 extra steps until I turn around confused and a little freaked out but there was nothing behind me.
I know it's not much but it felt really weird. I always wanted to see a ghost or something :).

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, I bet it's gonna be a nice read.

One more: when i was a kid one winter I started roaming around the apartment looking for stuff to do when suddenly I hear a weird miaw behind me, it was the ugliest black cat ever, it was big and hairy, like the Boris Karloff of cats. To this day none of us have any idea what she was doing here. We checked and everything was locked, door and windows, there was nowhere she could have come from and she wasn't in the house when the day before.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by morciu
pH7: You're probably right on the exercise part but I'm not so sure about any machinery being involved..
If my neighbor is doing what I think you are referring to, then I'm living in a haunted house :P