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I gave up on them after the AC2 storm, but the stupidity they spout is just astounding because according to that guy, 95% of the potential players would never pay for his pc game. Let that sink in for a while, indirectly, 95% of us are pirates. The people over there have truly lost their collective shit.

He then states that the game has no drm. Yet it's a MMO shooter, one that requires constant online connection. I myself do feel that's acceptable for a mmo, but c'mon it's still clearly managing your rights over the game.

I haven't brought (or pirated) ubisoft games since the whole online connection debacle, but speaking as a former hardcore pirate, I'm very tempted to pirate thier recent DRM full games. If only to hasten the twattish bastards exit from the PC.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by mushy101 comments on the idiot saying PC isn't worth it...
*shrug* I don't play Ubisoft titles because most Ubisoft titles are crap.

I'll probably still give that F2P ghost recon a swing though, it's not exactly the first of it's kind but it looks head and shoulders above most of what is out ATM.
i usually don't get to upset about the idiocy i read about piracy. They have to explain bad sales to their superiors and this an excepted excuse these days...

They can't really admit that it sold like shit because it played like shit, looked like shit and had a length like shit. And they tried to sell it for 60€ after denying it was a console port even though they must know that the minute this is discovered every pc forum is in uproar....

I don't really pay attention anymore. I only get upset when some piracy protection locks me out of a game and i have to look for hours on the internet how to get it to work even though i bought it legit (i never pirate, but i refuse to pay 60 € for most games, in a few weeks they are in the bargain bin anyway...)
Maybe that 95% PC piracy thing isn't slander. He might be saying that there are actually 90 million Starcraft 2 players. 5% out of 90 million isn't all that bad. :)
I’m not sure what this article was trying to accomplish. Is he saying pirating games is so out of control and killing the PC market? Is that why thee just giving it away?
mushy101: He then states that the game has no drm. Yet it's a MMO shooter, one that requires constant online connection. I myself do feel that's acceptable for a mmo, but c'mon it's still clearly managing your rights over the game.
To be fair, he doesn't state that. He states that it has 'no DRM that will pollute your experience'. That's a very different statement.
Fed up with ubisoft attitude to pc users they seem to think we are nearly all pirates. Oh well this not a pirate person will just not buy any of their games again. Sick to death of ubisoft bitching about pc piracy and the fact that they just piss off their customers with either terrible DRM or not giving us games well they must be thick or something less paying customers means less money and the more you annoy customers the less will buy simple economics.
Not to mention one of their biggest titles is also their worst. Assassins Creed series are the easiest games I've ever played.

The whole stupid piracy thing annoys me to no end. And so does Ubisoft.
I said it before and I say it again. Ubi is one of the last AAA publishers that still makes high production value PC only titles. Anno, HOMM and Settlers series come to mind. And they don't "dumb down" their games, like the recent Civ 5.

Their always online DRM is long gone and removed from their recent titles. I'm currently playing Anno 2070 and it is a very well done release. Considering the complexity of the game, it only has very few bugs (actually, I only encountered one). So, their certainly can be a lot of bad things said about Ubisoft, but painting them as the worst publisher ever graced PC gaming is just unsubstantial ranting.
Same reason they wont make I Am Alive for PC.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by Rohan15
mushy101: He then states that the game has no drm. Yet it's a MMO shooter, one that requires constant online connection. I myself do feel that's acceptable for a mmo, but c'mon it's still clearly managing your rights over the game.
wpegg: To be fair, he doesn't state that. He states that it has 'no DRM that will pollute your experience'. That's a very different statement.
I get that, it's more to do with the way it's said, I find that it's just weird connecting no DRM and MMO togther, is all.
mushy101: according to that guy, 95% of the potential players would never pay for his pc game
Nah, he said "95% of our consumers will pirate the game". Now, I'm not a native speaker but wouldn't "consumer" imply that he's talking about the people who actually bought the game? See the irony here? :D
mushy101: Let that sink in for a while, indirectly, 95% of us are pirates. The people over there have truly lost their collective shit.
Another way to interpret the statement would be to assume that their game is not worth paying for and only an idiotic 5% fall for it ...

I LOL'd at YourBadKarma's comment below the article:
Post edited November 24, 2011 by Leroux
Leroux: Nah, he said "95% of our consumers will pirate the game". Now, I'm not a native speaker but wouldn't "consumer" imply that he's talking about the people who actually bought the game? See the irony here? :D
your mixing customer and consumer.

customers are the ones that actually buy the item in question, consumers are everyone who uses said item.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by Sogi-Ya
SimonG: I said it before and I say it again. Ubi is one of the last AAA publishers that still makes high production value PC only titles. Anno, HOMM and Settlers series come to mind. And they don't "dumb down" their games, like the recent Civ 5.

Their always online DRM is long gone and removed from their recent titles. I'm currently playing Anno 2070 and it is a very well done release. Considering the complexity of the game, it only has very few bugs (actually, I only encountered one). So, their certainly can be a lot of bad things said about Ubisoft, but painting them as the worst publisher ever graced PC gaming is just unsubstantial ranting.
It seems like their is two completely different branches of Ubisoft. One being the heavy DRM and bullshit statistic side. While the other only focuses on PC games and tries to appeal to the more "hardcore" audience. Ubisoft is a hate-love relationship for me. I still respect them for making, or trying to make, triple A computer games. But on the other side they make it seem like computer gaming is the bane of their existence, where they keep bitching and complaining about how most pc gamers are pirates and that they only port to the PC out of the kindness of their hearts.

I have played the new Anno game and I have to admit that I am surprised that the game wasn't dumb downed in any shape or form. I will probably pick up Anno after the dreaded steam sales are over.