Most of the pc games set in a Science Fiction setting are rather crappy in the Science Fiction department. The same could be said for games set in a fantasy setting, but I feel that the Sci-Fi genre in computer games is a lot more underdeveloped.
As DarthKaal and Fenixp more or less said before, most pc games are space fantasy or space opera rather than Science Fiction. What most developers don't care about or forget is that one of the things that define Science Fiction is an element of realism. In fantasy it is important to make an internal consistent world to achieve realism. In Science Fiction it is important for the story to be rooted in the physical laws to be realistic.
Computer games are for the most part not inspired by the great golden wealth of written Science Fiction that exists. They are often by films, television, comic books and of course other games. I don't know much about Science Fiction in comic books but in movies the genre is in a very sorry state.
Sure there are some greats like 2001, 12 Monkeys and Aliens but the most of it is not very good. To be fair the quality is a lot better for Science Fiction films set on earth in a future not too far from us. For space faring films the opposite is true. There are probably a whole lot more good computer games set in space than movies.
For those that only knows Science Fiction from movies, games and comics; there is such a vast world of possibilities out there in there in the written realm, waiting for you!
While I said that that most Sci-Fi games aren't really Sci-Fi, I expect that there are many that is. But most developers don't care about realism at all. The habit of throwing a Nebula and other coloured lights everywhere is really annoying. These beautiful objects should be something that you only see rarely, and that would make them much more wonderful too.
Sounds from space explosions? Why do you really need them? Are gamers so stupid that they can't adapt to a new environment? There are so many other things you could to with sound design anyway. Both Space sims and RTS games could use the internal sound of the spaceships themselves. A not too loud mix of chatter, electronic and mechanic sounds. Different in every spaceship or at least different between different types of spaceships. Voices that suddenly gets cut off are much more ominous than an explosion.
A good mix of sound and silence would make both more effective. One of the great things about space is that it is an alien environment, developers should see the possibilities in this.
I'm not saying that every Science Fiction game should be as realistic as possible, most computer games aren't meant to be simulations and that is a good thing. I'm however sure that the gameplay in most Sci-Fi games would be much more fun if the developers used both more creativity and realism.
The 4X games especially are a very sorry bunch. Galactic Civilizations 2 is absolutely horrible in its Science Fiction. The same is true for Master of Orion 2 but it is more a space fantasy game and in that respect it is not as bad.
Just think of the greatness of a game that combined the best gameplay aspects of Master of Orion 2 and Galactic Civilizations 2 with a realistic (that means highly speculative realism, as we know very little of other solar systems) and detailed galaxy. Think how great it would have been if it had been designed by someone with a good understanding of our current knowledge of space. They would of course need a good imagination too.
We might very well be able to play a game like that sometime in the next twenty years.
Post edited October 04, 2010 by Sargon