Nirth: I know about copyrights but I won't share them and I'll encrypt them all so it won't accidentally leak. Besides, is it actually illegal to scan them for yourself or is sharing the issue? (or even both?)
I have no idea, I just read a lot and think I've seen that in every book I've ever read.
I assume it's mostly the sharing they don't like and these days they probably also want to charge you extra for a digital copy :P
Nirth: OCR is necessary for text searching and that is important because I'll save my books in case I need to look things up, that is annoying as hell to keep track of normal books (IMO). It's slow but I believe it works. As long as I can rationalize the process time shouldn't be an issue.
I'll search for those book and comic scanning groups but in case you remember any sources please provide them.
I have no idea what the state of OCR is these days, but back in the day I had to 'teach' the software how to read the font for every book and of course it still made mistakes. If done correctly it is much much better of course since you can select text, search the document and the file is smaller because text takes up less space than images.
Unfortunately all of my sources are gone, I actually tried them all six months ago but I think something like 99% were gone and the 1% that was left was abandoned by all the people I knew.
They used to hang out on DC++ a lot, but either the channels changed or they went back to IRC or something.