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Reever: Thank you very much SantaStar! You really brightened up my day :)

tinyE: Far out, as soon as I redeemed my gift I lost a bunch of rep. XD I don't think one had anything to do with the other but it was kind of funny.
Reever: Probably because you redeemed half of the games on that site :P
oh yeah....that.
Seems like Faerie Solitaire, Plazma Being, and Ubinota are the Jack Keane 2, Eador, and Omerta of this giveaway. Bit of a shame, I own all three and can confirm that Faerie Solitaire is definitely a lot of fun. I have similar hopes for the other two. Still, I'm glad a lot of people are finding games they want!
IAmSinistar: Seems like Faerie Solitaire, Plazma Being, and Ubinota are the Jack Keane 2, Eador, and Omerta of this giveaway. Bit of a shame, I own all three and can confirm that Faerie Solitaire is definitely a lot of fun. I have similar hopes for the other two. Still, I'm glad a lot of people are finding games they want!
Faerie Solitaire is a hoot!

And both Ubinota and Plazma Being look like a ton of fun ;-)
Post edited December 06, 2013 by Momo1991
IAmSinistar: Seems like Faerie Solitaire, Plazma Being, and Ubinota are the Jack Keane 2, Eador, and Omerta of this giveaway. Bit of a shame, I own all three and can confirm that Faerie Solitaire is definitely a lot of fun. I have similar hopes for the other two. Still, I'm glad a lot of people are finding games they want!
Momo1991: Faerie Solitaire is a hoot!
and hooters are fun!
IAmSinistar: Seems like Faerie Solitaire, Plazma Being, and Ubinota are the Jack Keane 2, Eador, and Omerta of this giveaway. Bit of a shame, I own all three and can confirm that Faerie Solitaire is definitely a lot of fun. I have similar hopes for the other two. Still, I'm glad a lot of people are finding games they want!
Lots of copies of Faerie Solitaire were given away on SteamGifts earlier this year by SubSoap to help promote Faeverse Solitaire (formerly Faerie Solitaire 2), which might explain the lack of interest in that one.
nmillar: Lots of copies of Faerie Solitaire were given away on SteamGifts earlier this year by SubSoap to help promote Faeverse Solitaire (formerly Faerie Solitaire 2), which might explain the lack of interest in that one.
Ah, thank you, I wasn't aware of that. I was more worried that Enclave Gold would be the dud, since a (dubious) free key link for Enclave was making the rounds here just a few days ago.
Fuck Faeries! I went Zombie Shooter and I'm a better person for it!
Wow, I am honored to have been part of this IAmSinistar! I see that a lot of people weren't expecting this surprise any more than I was and I am glad to see so many familiar faces! Thanks for the Holiday surprise and like everyone else here I hope you have a great IAmSantastar season! +1 and all that as well!

Have a Happy holiday/Hanukkah/WE!

In response to your comment HERE I am glad that you contacted me near the end of the list because I was nowhere near a computer and I actually got the message less than 10 min after you sent it, so perfect timing.
tinyE: Fuck Faeries! I went Zombie Shooter and I'm a better person for it!
dragonsreach: Have a Happy holiday/Hanukkah/WE!

In response to your comment HERE I am glad that you contacted me near the end of the list because I was nowhere near a computer and I actually got the message less than 10 min after you sent it, so perfect timing.
Glad it worked out, it makes me feel a little better about my appalling mailing system. Who knew that an infinite number of monkeys and typewriters wouldn't optimise well?

And thanks for the photo. I'd like to claim Sophie, please.
IAmSinistar: Ah, thank you, I wasn't aware of that. I was more worried that Enclave Gold would be the dud, since a (dubious) free key link for Enclave was making the rounds here just a few days ago.
They're not dubious keys - straight from Topware. ;)
This was very generous of you, and as I have already said a wonderful idea indeed. Thanks once again, kind friend.

(I've redeemed Faerie Solitaire. ^^)
triock: They're not dubious keys - straight from Topware. ;)
If you're being sincere, then that's reassuring. My understanding of the issue is naturally skewed, coming as it does from the usual kinds of posts one finds in the Ninja Thread. :)
Here you go! ;-)
sophie.jpg (96 Kb)
triock: They're not dubious keys - straight from Topware. ;)
IAmSinistar: If you're being sincere, then that's reassuring. My understanding of the issue is naturally skewed, coming as it does from the usual kinds of posts one finds in the Ninja Thread. :)
This is from e-mail I got from Topware

The Dirty little helper’s triumphant return to the public eye!

Dear Customer,

the internet website DLH.Net has announced the re-launch of its core
site! Beginning today, players, fans and gaming addicts can access new
features and a fresh design at the well known address:

To celebrate the relaunch, DLH.Net is giving away a true classic to
its first 250,000 registered users. In cooperation with TopWare
Interactive AG, DLH.Net is giving away Steam keys for the beloved 3rd
person Action-RPG hit, Enclave. Its time-tested combat combined with
great graphics, exciting environments and unique classes will impress
and entertain both genre-beginners and experts alike.

If you don’t know about DLH.Net, now is the perfect time to check
out the page’s new look. Once there, register your name and grab
your free key for Enclave, and don’t forget to subscribe to the
newsletter to receive all the latest news on the world of gaming.

The DLH-Team is looking forward to your visit.