I'm going to get this, no question, but I stopped playing my copy of season 2 because I'm waiting for the Mac port, so I cant justify preordering this until they've caught Sam and Max up on the Mac.
I'm still thrilled about it (though maybe more thrilled that I can finally order my copy of the Tales of MI DVD).
lowyhong: "So what's he going to do, punch me?"
I really have to get this, and the first two seasons, somehow...
TheCheese33: If you do, I'd go with the computer version. You get it on both Mac and PC, and at the end of the season, they'll eventually send you a copy of the season on disc. I say eventually because I'm still waiting for my copy of Monkey Island to arrive in the mail.
Don't forget that you have to specifically order the DVD once it's available and they only made it available yesterday.