Posted June 18, 2010
I enjoyed Sacred but passed on Sacred 2 because of the The [url=]reviews seemed to indicate it was a mediocre game with Ascaron filing for bankruptcy in 2009. Seems the game and Ascaron have fallen off the face of earth. Searches seem to turn up only old news.
I noticed Sacred 2 for under eight bucks and considered trying it for that price. Anyone have info concerning the survival (or not) of Ascaron or info concerning a patch to remove the DRM? Neither is likely but hoping for both . . . =)
Edit : $6.89 today ??? what's up with that . . .
I noticed Sacred 2 for under eight bucks and considered trying it for that price. Anyone have info concerning the survival (or not) of Ascaron or info concerning a patch to remove the DRM? Neither is likely but hoping for both . . . =)
Edit : $6.89 today ??? what's up with that . . .
Post edited June 20, 2010 by Stuff