MGShogun: I run barefoot, lol. I just find it very comfortable and my cardio has shot up really big time. It's kinda addicting for me because with shoes, I feel so restricted and my feets would ache after only few mins of running.
When I discovered the barefoot running, I never looked back and just enjoy it. I usually run for around 30 minutes at a time, although I can ramp it up to 45 mins, depends on how I'm feeling.
orcishgamer: You know, after re-reading some of the barefoot running stuff I'm kind of keen to give it a shot. I'm wondering about 2 things:
1) I'm not sure if I have a pronation, if I do (and that's an if, not sure) I can't find anything that indicates whether this might be a bad thing for barefoot running, the few studies I've found cited specifically didn't control for pronation.
2) If you're big, obviously you have more weight hitting your arches. I wouldn't think weight would affect how you're feet hit the ground but I do think it could cause additional strain that wouldn't be there in a lighter runner. So while cushioned running shoes seem to put more strain on a runner's knees, if you're atypical (e.g. heavy) might that become less true, or even the reverse.
I've always hated shoes.
I generally don't run on pavement but I do it sometimes. Most of the times, my running tends to be done around the lake. I considered myself to be heavy guy, although I don't look like it.
Everyone is different and each result may vary for them. I simply did research on barefoot running first and tried it out and I really enjoy it very much so I just stick with it. Honestly, I'm not advocating it because I know that it may not suit everyone but it suits me just fine so I have no issues with it.
Whatever get my butt out of the house and get me in shape, lol, I'm all for it. All I can say is that my self confident has shoot up ever since I start running full time.
Edit: Btw, I would recommend to start off barefoot running by wearing aqua or water shoes first since they stimulated barefoot running while still providing you the protection for your soles. That's how I started it off. Took me few months to adjust to it. If you're not feeling comfortable with barefoot running then you can switch back to water shoes, which I do sometimes.