Thespian*: BUMP!
*runs away*
No you don't I need you to interprate things.. Like, why in the all is so hard?
too hard.. well then, good thing that i tried..
Edit: to actual entering.. I infact would.
Story:I was minding my own beezwaxes and drinking some beer, suddenly i was surrounded by wolves. Hiow did that happen.. Let's take a drink and continue.
I was just picking some badass eating apples my sexual interested giant.. which was a girl.. but who knows.. I was adopted. Yeah, it was that bad. I ate one of those apples and those suck. We all saw.. and i mean I only saw a place of gold.. So I took a pointi rock and i sold A lot off Shiny leather jackets to wear in discos, then I used that pointy rock to carve that map in my ass.
Eventually I had dhiarria and that was like acid so I didn't have a map. Others thought so.
Others: 2 orcsm one fat ass and 1 green haired good looking satan.
anyway, my ass was burning, I needed that red I mean green hair. so i wiped my ass in that beautiful elfs hair or who was it and those two orcs killed. Nobody got anything.
..Well, those two rocs got others bungholes.
Thank You.