Posted September 29, 2009

I'm just a bit bitter about games that have had such insane fan hype and been the best game evar!!!. I've been let down by all of the ones I tried to some degree, Halo (tedious generic shooter), Half Life 2 (tedious generic shooter with overused gimmick), FF7 (Straight up piece of shit with no story that I found in weeks of playing and crap gameplay otherwise), Fallout (okay game but hardly the king of RPGs)... the only game I can think of that's ever lived up to the fan hype (which I'd never heard at the time) was Planescape Torment
Yeah, but there *is* no real "fanboy hype" with Ico. It was basically released to a market that couldn't care less about it. It was not overly hyped by the developers or publishers -- in fact the only way I ever heard of it was a one off 15 second TV commercial I saw at 3 am, which probably contained around 5 seconds worth of gameplay.
Relatively speaking, a very small number of people ever bought Ico. But most of those who did, discovered something well worth talking about. But it has never been "insanely" hyped. People have discussed its meaning; tried to interpret it; compared the original Japanese version to the watered down US version and so forth, but it has never reached the popularity levels of any of those games you have mentioned -- and thus has never had the immature "lol dis game iz da bestest evar and if u dun think teh same u are stoopid" fanboyish retorts you'll find with any Valve game or Halo for example.
And to be honest, it doesn't need the hype. The game really has managed to do a lot with very little narative in 7 hours of playtime -- mind you considering the fact that the two main characters don't speak the same language (and in the US version, you never get to understand one side of the story*) it does very well at portraying the relationship between the two characters.
That said, the game does receive a lot of praise (praise is not hype mind you) which it fully earns. If you really know nothing of the game, then try searching Youtube for the intro movie and attract sequence movie. But don't watch any movies that show the actual game being played, that'll just ruin the experience if you ever do decide to play it.
(* The other half of the story is only translated during the second play though (and the US version doesn't allow for that)
Post edited September 29, 2009 by bansama