A lot of people are mentioning the Ground Control series, and it's definitely worth looking into. The first one, especially, is good for someone who's in it all for the tactics and doesn't want to bother with resource management or base building at all. There's absolutely none of that. At the beginning of every mission, you get a certain amount of space on a certain number of dropships that limits how many units you can deploy to the field of battle. You choose what units you want to bring, depending on what you can reasonably expect to encounter on the ground.
And that's it. At your discretion, you can choose to deploy all your forces at once, or keep some units back as a strategic reserve, but basically, what you allocate at the beginning of the op is all you're going to have, so you have to shepherd what you have carefully. Your command APC can field repair your vehicles, and if I remember right, you can equip your infantry with medkits so they can heal, too, but if a squad is killed in action, or a vehicle is destroyed, no replacements. Difficult, but it does also mean no nonsense with constantly clicking to build MOAR SCHTUFF.
Ground Control 2 kept much the same formula, but introduced a bit of a resource gathering system, wherein you earned resource points by capturing strategic locations. These strategic locations did double duty. Capturing and holding these points got you these resource points which you could use to purchase reinforcements, and they also served as landing zones. Without an LZ, you could buy more units, but you couldn't call in a dropship to have them delivered, anywhere. Resource points could also be used to upgrade your dropship, which I thought was a neat touch. In the first game, the dropship was purely a transport vessel. In GC2, the dropship could linger for a few seconds on the battlefield. Not for too long (even with upgrades to the fuel capacity,) but those few seconds could be used to have the dropship provide some pretty significant air to ground support.