Posted July 15, 2013

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands
Posted July 15, 2013

@Siannah It is not about difficulty, its about having options, a plausible scenario, freedom of choosing between all enemies, which opens up all kinds of strategic possibilities.
Post edited July 15, 2013 by jamotide

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted July 15, 2013

What I find terrifying is people calling individual preference horrible - especially in a post that refers to options about 2 lines later.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted July 15, 2013

Having options, freedom of choosing where to go / start / what to do, opening up possibilities.... that's what level scaling at least tries to achieve. How good it actually does, is a different thing, depending on the game and it's implementation.
Take level scaling away in Mass Effect, and you'll take away the illusion of openness where you decide which available mission is important for you. You're pretty much stuck with more or less linear levels which should be done in ascending order, putting you on rails. With the level scaling you just get option a, b, c, d and can decide in what order you'll tackle them.
Plausible scenario? Yes that may take a hit with it. It may - doesn't mean it has to. Again, depending on game / implementation. But then again you take my example of Gothic and tell my how that is more plausible.
Post edited July 15, 2013 by Siannah

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands
Posted July 16, 2013

@Siannah You keep thinking freedom just means freedom of movement. What I mean by freedom is having the option of engaging any enemy whenever you want, the mere possibility of looting anything at any time and having strong loot in shops taunting you to get enough money to buy it. Just like in MM6 or Fallout. You still have freedom of movement. Level scaling has ruined all that in many games, thats why I hate it.
Mass Effect sounds horrible the way you describe it, glad I didnt play it yet. Not sure what your sarcastic remarks about Gothic are supposed to say.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 16, 2013

I am sorry that all games with level scaling you have experienced had lazy level scaling, but that isn't reason to condemn the whole mechanic.

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A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 16, 2013

Could also add the counter moves in Batman: Arkham Asylum and Sleeping Dogs, since they are also QTE, or the older ones in Tekken and Virtua Fighter (those also had counters, didn't they?).
As for level scaling, I think there have been quite a few examples, with best one to give being Darklands. Feel free to ask for more games, the beauty of well done level scaling is that you don't perceive it at all. It feels natural to the game.

Very New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted July 16, 2013
Sorry, but I'm the only one that is seeing the flaw in the topic. Neither Torchlight nor Nethack are scaling the enemies. A monters will have the same attributes no matter what level you are. So this games are encouraging the player to level up to crush the enemies at the low level and be toe to toe or even better with the high level monsters. I failed to see how this should be examples for bad scaling.
And if you are complaining that the higher mosters are harder to kill - that is normal. At the start you may fight against a mob of goblins, but the higher you go the less enemies you have, till you are at a boss fight with different waves. There it will take a long time, till you are killing ONE enemy. And most of us love it that way.
And if you are complaining that the higher mosters are harder to kill - that is normal. At the start you may fight against a mob of goblins, but the higher you go the less enemies you have, till you are at a boss fight with different waves. There it will take a long time, till you are killing ONE enemy. And most of us love it that way.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 16, 2013
Just a small correction.
Torchlight scales side content with your level (not all side content, but quite a bit of it) though main quest levels remain the same.
Nethack enemy level is the average of dungeon depth and your character level, so it is also scaling.
Torchlight scales side content with your level (not all side content, but quite a bit of it) though main quest levels remain the same.
Nethack enemy level is the average of dungeon depth and your character level, so it is also scaling.

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands
Posted July 16, 2013
Yes condemning the whole concept is a bit overboard, but I rather condemn it all than risk encouraging more bad use of it. It seems to me that you want the same as me, and are just arguing with me for arguements sake.
So to be fair, I like level scaling for special places, like the Arenas in MM6-8 or Eador. You can always go there and fight easy to hard enemies around your level.It does not ruin the immersion because it makes sense within the game world, its optional and always rewarding. Other than Arenas I can't think of a good use of it.
So to be fair, I like level scaling for special places, like the Arenas in MM6-8 or Eador. You can always go there and fight easy to hard enemies around your level.It does not ruin the immersion because it makes sense within the game world, its optional and always rewarding. Other than Arenas I can't think of a good use of it.
Post edited July 16, 2013 by jamotide

max 50 chars
Registered: Jul 2011
From Canada
Posted July 16, 2013
I feel that part of the reason why level scaling has become such an issue is that the scaling of the player math has become so extreme.
When your level 1 guy does 5 damage, the level 10 guy does 5000, and the level 100 guy does 5 x 10^24 damage (to use just one value as an example), it's pretty much imperative to have scaling and it's also nigh-impossible to avoid having it go off the rails at some point.
Some of the older games did a much better job in this regard because the numbers didn't actually change much as your levels increased. (The mid-series Ultima games come to mind.) They didn't NEED to scale the enemies, or if they did, it was a very limited degree of scaling (maybe one more creature appears at high level than at low level); being higher level thus actually did make dealing with those enemies easier and/or less resource intensive.
When your level 1 guy does 5 damage, the level 10 guy does 5000, and the level 100 guy does 5 x 10^24 damage (to use just one value as an example), it's pretty much imperative to have scaling and it's also nigh-impossible to avoid having it go off the rails at some point.
Some of the older games did a much better job in this regard because the numbers didn't actually change much as your levels increased. (The mid-series Ultima games come to mind.) They didn't NEED to scale the enemies, or if they did, it was a very limited degree of scaling (maybe one more creature appears at high level than at low level); being higher level thus actually did make dealing with those enemies easier and/or less resource intensive.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted July 16, 2013

Post edited July 16, 2013 by JMich

GFN / VR / Switch!
Registered: Oct 2010
From Other
Posted July 16, 2013

Could also add the counter moves in Batman: Arkham Asylum and Sleeping Dogs, since they are also QTE, or the older ones in Tekken and Virtua Fighter (those also had counters, didn't they?).
As for level scaling, I think there have been quite a few examples, with best one to give being Darklands. Feel free to ask for more games, the beauty of well done level scaling is that you don't perceive it at all. It feels natural to the game.
One of these days I'll have to try Darklands as it's the kind of game I would enjoy once I can get passed the dated graphics and learn the mechanics/UI.

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands