N0x0ss: You wont believe what went through my head when I thought it was a human being instead of a character.
First of all, Area 51 + Nasa... tried to combine them.. wouldn't get any result.
Then moved on to Saint Sarah. Didn't get any clue on the actual Saint Sarah page.
Wiki'd it. Turned out there wass another result :a stupid teen aged tv serie show (Hannah Montana starring maily cyrus ) where there's a character called saint sarah.
I searched to see if this hannah montana had a brother in the show.. since apparently she was a "humble" teen in daylight but a rockstar "defender of whatever" at night.
So the brother was brother to both a humble and small teenager, and a hero or whatever at night.
After that I googled the actor of her brother.. turns out there's a mystery about him, since he look like a teenager when he is indeed around 30 years old... some might even say he's a freak of nature (Not my saying, google search).
Hum... sounds to me like a real mystery... could it be the reference to NASA and area 51 ?
And here I had an answer ... already formed... turned out it was a video game character, I was at a loss...
That's some pretty impressive detective work.
Sorry about the mix up with the person/video game character though. :-/
I'll try to avoid such confusion in the future. :)