Hey everyone,
The contest is over. Thank you all so much for playing. I hope it was fun.
The correct answer was
JC Denton from the original Deus Ex game.
The winner is
DProject, he/she will be receiving Commandos 2+3. A gift code will soon be PM'd!
Here's an explanation of the quiz.
Tip 1: 37.235, -115.811111
These are coordinates. When entered into Google Maps they point to Area 51. Not only does JC 'visit' Area 51 in Deus Ex, it is also suggested that he was 'developed' there.
Tip 2: 0101001101100001011010010110111001110100001000000101001101100001011100100110000101101000
This binari translates to 'Saint Sarah'. A popular theory states that she is a descendant of Jesus Christ. While developing Deus Ex the creators considered the idea that JC would be a descendant of Jesus.
It's also suggested that the 'JC' in 'JC Denton' stands for Jesus Christ.
Tip 3 : Brother of a 'small' and 'humble' person and brother of a 'defender' and 'protector of man'.
JC has two brothers. Paul and Alex. The name paul means 'small and humble'. The name Alex (short for Alexander) means 'defender' and 'protector of man'.
Tip 4:
http://i.imgur.com/odO6t.png This picture shows an aircraft prototype developed by NASA. It's a solar electric-powered plane named Helios.
Helios was an important character in the Deus Ex game. In one of the endings JC merges with Helios.
Thanks for playing everyone! :)
All feedback is welcome. :)