Posted August 31, 2012
I didn't get to see that much of the convention but I wish I was there. There were a lot of interesting people there including the Mayor of Sarotoga Falls, Utah (Mia Love). Romney gets my vote regardless of what a bunch of class warfare spewing, hypocritical liberals say. At this point, even the rotting corpse of Jerry Falwell would do a better job than Obama since I don't have to worry about a corpse driving up the debt at a faster rate than Bush 43, adding more bureaucracies to an already unsustainable federal government, and claiming that things are going fine when the U-6 unemployment rate is at over 15%. Let's not also forget the Operation Fast and Furious coverup and the crony loans to Solyndra and other so called "green energy" companies.
These claims made by the Democratic Party leadership against Romney and the bulk of the Republican Party is pathetic. They claim that there's a "War Against Women" just because people like me feel that not every health plan should have to cover $10 worth of birth control or that Republicans will kill Medicare in favor of "millionaires" when Obamacare takes billions from that program they claim to love and funnels it into the new bureaucracies while Paul Ryan's plan simply gives people like me more options when we get old.
Honestly, Romney's campaign understands the real issues better simply by stating the real issues such as the national debt, jobs, and economics while the DNC seems to act as if all that matters is birth control "rights."
Also, the claims that the Republicans are only appealing to men or old angry white people is pathetic and hilarious. I'm half-Asian and in my early twenties and I'd rather have a conservative in office regardless of race than any liberal. Also, these Democrats should look at some of the speakers at the GOP convention like Mayor Love.
These claims made by the Democratic Party leadership against Romney and the bulk of the Republican Party is pathetic. They claim that there's a "War Against Women" just because people like me feel that not every health plan should have to cover $10 worth of birth control or that Republicans will kill Medicare in favor of "millionaires" when Obamacare takes billions from that program they claim to love and funnels it into the new bureaucracies while Paul Ryan's plan simply gives people like me more options when we get old.
Honestly, Romney's campaign understands the real issues better simply by stating the real issues such as the national debt, jobs, and economics while the DNC seems to act as if all that matters is birth control "rights."
Also, the claims that the Republicans are only appealing to men or old angry white people is pathetic and hilarious. I'm half-Asian and in my early twenties and I'd rather have a conservative in office regardless of race than any liberal. Also, these Democrats should look at some of the speakers at the GOP convention like Mayor Love.