Posted September 09, 2012
Btw, am I the only one kind of annoyed by Ann Romney? I mean she goes on TV to try and convince women to vote for a guy who's against many very traditional "women's issues" (though certainly all women think they're important).
Ann Romney went to private fucking school, so I suspect her parents had some decent money, she married a wealthy man who became even more wealthy and eventually politically connected.
She's suffered from several fairly severe medical conditions and credits traditional and alternative treatments for her being able to compete in dressage (horse fashion, essentially, expensive hobby, yes, I know you have to put them through their paces, it's all walking the runway). Her message to normal women who have these issues is "treatments you cannot pay for, and a hobby to keep your spirits up, which you also cannot afford," essentially "fuck you".
The whole "I raised boys" thing also pisses me off. There was a time, outside of my control, during which I was the stay at home care for my special needs daughter... Yeah, that beat the everliving fuck out of working. I know a few permanent stay at home dads who also vastly prefer that to working. I'm not saying it's not a valid job, I am saying I'm sick and tired of people acting like it's so hard when I'd rather be doing that than kissing ass and slipping business cards in the ass cracks as I go down the line. Ann Romeny, again, is fucking lucky she had a rich fucking husband so it was an option at all for her, UNLIKE THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICAN MOMS, who must work and earn shitty wages and benefits for it.
Is there actually a contingent of women who identify with Ann Romney? Nevermind that unlikeable fuck of her husband, what about her? To me she's the epitome of a privileged twit who acts like she deserves whatever she has due to her hard work. As for the working American woman, anything below lower upper class, I can't imagine them not being deeply offended whenever she opens her pie hole.
So, done ranting, but seriously, fuck Ann Romney.
Ann Romney went to private fucking school, so I suspect her parents had some decent money, she married a wealthy man who became even more wealthy and eventually politically connected.
She's suffered from several fairly severe medical conditions and credits traditional and alternative treatments for her being able to compete in dressage (horse fashion, essentially, expensive hobby, yes, I know you have to put them through their paces, it's all walking the runway). Her message to normal women who have these issues is "treatments you cannot pay for, and a hobby to keep your spirits up, which you also cannot afford," essentially "fuck you".
The whole "I raised boys" thing also pisses me off. There was a time, outside of my control, during which I was the stay at home care for my special needs daughter... Yeah, that beat the everliving fuck out of working. I know a few permanent stay at home dads who also vastly prefer that to working. I'm not saying it's not a valid job, I am saying I'm sick and tired of people acting like it's so hard when I'd rather be doing that than kissing ass and slipping business cards in the ass cracks as I go down the line. Ann Romeny, again, is fucking lucky she had a rich fucking husband so it was an option at all for her, UNLIKE THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICAN MOMS, who must work and earn shitty wages and benefits for it.
Is there actually a contingent of women who identify with Ann Romney? Nevermind that unlikeable fuck of her husband, what about her? To me she's the epitome of a privileged twit who acts like she deserves whatever she has due to her hard work. As for the working American woman, anything below lower upper class, I can't imagine them not being deeply offended whenever she opens her pie hole.
So, done ranting, but seriously, fuck Ann Romney.