keeveek: I know quite a few christians that don't go to any church, they just try to follow what Jesus taught them. And these are good people.
orcishgamer: I tend to get along with these sorts a lot better as they tend to have a far smaller percentage of hypocrites (especially the hypocrites that do pretty nasty stuff).
I'd argue that a large percentage of US Christians would not be approved of by their Christ as they describe him. And I don't mean in the "we all have our shortcomings" kind of way, but more the "you're basically a self centered and evil motherfucker".
I know a lot of Mormons and I know a ton about their dogma, I still want to know why they can justify supporting Romney, the way he runs his business the Jesus they describe would have gone into a rage and beat his ass out of the "temple" just as fast as any money changer. This is not "my" Jesus, I don't have one of those, this is the Jesus that they describe to me. Mormons are extremely fond of that Biblical story, btw, so I think the question is very apt.
And to you Mormons, you tend to idolize your law of tithing, thinking anyone to actually pays must be good in all other ways. Yet you castigate Catholics for their practice of indulgences (pre-paying for sins) and how easy confession is. This is inconsistent, someone is not "good" just because they donate 10% of their income to their church. It might be a point in their favor, but it's not an excuse to overlook their other behavior. Your church's official policy is to not accept tithing paid on income from illegal or immoral actions. Are you 100% certain that Romney's actions at Bain don't qualify as immoral? I urge you to take a deeper look, because it is a pretty nasty way to operate.
I am in no way arguing for Obama here, what I am arguing, to Mormons specifically, about is that Romeny is probably not the guy you want representing your belief system to the world. The dude acts like a class A asshole, regardless of how tear jerking of a speech he can give at the church pulpit.
We try to be non-judgmental when we don't know the facts. I haven't heard anything terribly immoral about how Romney runs his business, could you please provide examples/sources/any kind of detail aside from your statements?
Paying tithing isn't about the money - it's about being willing to sacrifice for the good of others. As I understand them, indulgences are built to be for the good of the person paying them. A similar thing with confession - we believe that confessing a sin should be part of trying to change your life to avoid it. From what I know of Catholic theology, there isn't the same kind of emphasis on changing your life to avoid committing the sin again, ti's more of a check-the-box experience. Obviously most Catholics are devout people who try to live their lives as Jesus would want them to, but the different emphasis is striking.
The thing is that we tend to let someone's spiritual standing be between them, their bishop (in extreme cases), and the Lord. It's just not our business. Sometimes, yeah, that means we don't look as closely at things as we should. But the tendency to back-bite and witch-hunt is very, very strong and I think we mostly avoid that.
And, as surprising as this probably is, I'm not supporting Romney because he's LDS. I think he's our best bet for President because he takes civic duty seriously (didn't draw salary as governor for example) and can balance a budget. He actually pays attention to hard data, which we need more and get less in Washington than anywhere else.
Trilarion: Now the right answer would be that all people frustrated with current politicians should go and found their own party and fight for a new voting system.
Tantrix: THIS
Yeah, I'd back that.