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Here's a catalog of Romney's lies in public - it's a very long read - 30 week's worth.

Republicans have filibustered, and vote-blocked just about every Democrat-proposed bill to create jobs, and stimulate the economy, for the last 3.5 years. And it's THEIR [Dems] fault?! Really? O_o They've submitted just ONE jobs bill in that'd that go for them?

The other day, or week now, McCain was calling for 5 more wars! WHO is going to pay for those? Trillion dollar deficit already, not to mention however many trillions in debt, and this idiot wants MORE wars?
R-Money is with him though, on his No-Charm, All-Offence World Tour recently, he told Israel to go ahead and invade Iran, because When he's president, he'll be there with them, 100% support! The guy is dangerously insane!

And Poor Clint Eastwood? What the hell happened to him? He used to be someone to look up to, and admire, but that rambling, chaotic, delusional speech at the RNC was really, really, really bad! I'll still watch his films, but I'ma have to think twice or thrice now to pay for more in the future. And what does R-Money say about the speech? "It wasn't what I would have said. But it was nice"! Has this guy not one shred of grace in his body? He did the same thing to his wife's horse in the Olympics, though : "It's my wife's sport. She'll be there, but I won't even be watching it on the TV."

His stance on Women's Rights is abhorrent - something from the religious Dark Ages - women must be chained to the kitchen sink or bed, pump out babies by the dozen, even if raped, and no votes! The children MUST be born, but then it's up to you to feed them until they're old enough to join the military? I know Morons, sorry - Mormons, believe they get to rule a planet of women in the afterlife, but this is [censored] ridiculous!

And the Failbook mystery?
People are suddenly finding they "Like" R-Money, when they absolutely hate him. And the Activity Log shows no such action, but it's there anyway? lol....."We've got over 5million likes this week, and it's going up faster each week!" How much did they cost you to buy?!

I seem to remember his campaign slogan being used a while ago by some fairly nasty people...."Keep America American!"..who were those guys again? I remember white sheets, pointy hats and fire somewhere....?

And finally, the Lamestream Media are beginning to report all of this :
Stevedog13: Well I'm just going from personal experience on how easy it is to leave an organized religion. Myself as well as many people I know had no issues with it. As to the deaths caused by atheism I count Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong among others. Yeah I know that in some footnote in a history book somewhere there is some refrence that suggest some horrible person may have belived in the existence of God, but that doesn't really persude me much given the grand scheme of what they did and the nature of the orders they gave.
Hitler was a strong Christian, although non-denominational. As leader he had strong ties with the Catholic Church, despite leaving the Church as an adult. His anti-Semitism stems from his Catholic upbringing in a Jewish neighbourhood.

In no one way was atheism state mandated.

In no one way are the deaths caused by Stalin anything to do with religion or the lack thereof. It was all down to Stalin's psychotic paranoia and nothing more. There were mainly Jews, Muslims and orthodox Christians in the USSR at the time.

In no one way was atheism state mandated.

Pol Pot killed millions through imposing his political ideals, not religious ones. He was an atheist. But that had nothing to do with why those people died. They died because of a bunch of extremist arseholes with extremely unworkable political views and no understanding of the concept of compromise.

Again, same thing with Mao Zedong. He was an atheist. But what drive him was political ideals and the desire to impose them on others. He had a lot of good ideas, but he imposed those ideas with brutal and uncompromising force. There's no religious motivation and if you're looking for examples of people influenced by their religious beliefs, or the lack thereof, then it's usually best to just ignore China, Japan and Korea. Imposing atheism on China would be pretty redundant.

QC: Actually, my atheism was self induldged in. I've only discovered in the past 2 years that my Mother is a christian, and my Father..... harder to describe, someone who wants to believe but doesn't see the evidence for it, I think was how he described it. We went to churches only for thrifting sales, and my grandmother was popular in her church so I sometimes saw the inside of that when traveling to her town while she was still alive and I was little. I don't much see the evidence like I thought might have been there while I was very little. It always seemed strange to me, but as an adult it doesn't make any sense. I'm glad my parents didn't enforce religion on me and let me decide for myself.
Your parents sound like good people. But if they were more religious, more convinced that the alternative to worshipping the [insert denomination here] god was everlasting fiery hell, you might not have found them to be so lenient. They'd still want the best for you, but have very different ideas about what that actually is.

My parents also describe themselves as Christian... when filling out census forms. Never seen them inside a church outside of weddings, funerals and christenings though. It's just not something they talk about at all. So yeah, when I left junior school (all English and Welsh infant and junior schools (5-11) are legally Christian) I didn't have anything imposing religion on me at all. I just saw it as indifferent to Santa, Tooth Fairy et all.
Post edited September 01, 2012 by Navagon
Navagon: My parents also describe themselves as Christian... when filling out census forms. Never seen them inside a church outside of weddings, funerals and christenings though. It's just not something they talk about at all. So yeah, when I left junior school (all English and Welsh infant and junior schools (5-11) are legally Christian) I didn't have anything imposing religion on me at all. I just saw it as indifferent to Santa, Tooth Fairy et all.
I have a firm belief that half of America's "Christians" are actually agnostic.
Navagon: My parents also describe themselves as Christian... when filling out census forms. Never seen them inside a church outside of weddings, funerals and christenings though. It's just not something they talk about at all. So yeah, when I left junior school (all English and Welsh infant and junior schools (5-11) are legally Christian) I didn't have anything imposing religion on me at all. I just saw it as indifferent to Santa, Tooth Fairy et all.
StingingVelvet: I have a firm belief that half of America's "Christians" are actually agnostic.
StingingVelvet can you post me the last thread you made about Romney please the one where you and orcishgamer had a debate about atheism/agnosticms
After reading through some articles of the GOP I'm calling the election and say that Romney is not going to make it. He wasn't able to win the heart of the GOP and the political program he made to appease them will drive independents away.

Which I think is regardless of political orientation the best choice. Not because Romney would make a bad president (not an especially good either, imo) but because the GOP is currently in no position to be a constructive part of the political process. They seriously need to weed out the radical elements on the right. If they don't come to peace with them, I think it is a (remote, but possible) option that the liberal elements will split off and form some kind of "liberal conservative" party dooming the Tea Party remnants of the GOP to political obscurity.
SimonG: They seriously need to weed out the radical elements on the righ
I agree :D I believe that a significant amount of weed could change the world to a better place :D
SimonG: They seriously need to weed out the radical elements on the righ
keeveek: I agree :D I believe that a significant amount of weed could change the world to a better place :D
Not what I meant but also a very effective option. XD! Also, I would say they also need to get laid.
Yeah, premarital sex is a good solution to some right-wing problems too. ;D
StingingVelvet: I have a firm belief that half of America's "Christians" are actually agnostic.
That wouldn't negate their Christianity. It would just make them the sane(r), more rational Christians who acknowledge that, while they believe in an omniscient being, they're not omniscient themselves.

I think that a lot of religious people believe more in the institution of religion - be it out of a sense of tradition and / or community - than they do in the specifics of what that religion preaches.

But let's not start all this off again.
SimonG: Not because Romney would make a bad president

The man is clearly delusional. He wants to bomb Iran. He wants to cut taxes for the rich and increase them for the poor. He wants to ban abortion. He wants to force women who are raped to carry out resulting pregnancies. He wants to deregulate the economy - only 5 years after the world almost went down with it due to the deregulation.

He also believes in magic underwear and that the garden of eden is located somewhere in Missouri. Also that he'll inherit a planet of virgins when he die.

If Romney gets elected, the whole world is in danger.
SimonG: Not because Romney would make a bad president
stonebro: WHAT

The man is clearly delusional. He wants to bomb Iran. He wants to cut taxes for the rich and increase them for the poor. He wants to ban abortion. He wants to force women who are raped to carry out resulting pregnancies. He wants to deregulate the economy - only 5 years after the world almost went down with it due to the deregulation.

He also believes in magic underwear and that the garden of eden is located somewhere in Missouri. Also that he'll inherit a planet of virgins when he die.

If Romney gets elected, the whole world is in danger.
I can't tell if you're joking or not. Are you joking?
He doesn't only want for raped women to deliver the children. He want them to deliver them to HIM. So he can butcher them, bbq them and eat with green onions.
clawhook: I find it appaling that we have not passed a budget in 3 years as required by law. And before you go blaming the Reps for that, let's all remember that the Dems controlled both houses for the first two of those 3 years. Absolutely inexcusable.

Zero discipline with our hard-earned taxes.
stonebro: I find it appalling that you apparently have no insight into your own legislative decision process.

Last time I checked the United States has three branches of government. Executive, legislative and judicial. The president (executive branch) can't do everything on their own. Herein lies the problem. For the last 3 1/2 years the Republicans in Congress dragged their feet, stuck their fingers in their ears and didn't get very much done for the sole purpose of blaming President Obama for basically everything, which seems to be their only tactic now. They've even resorted to blaming Obama for the failures they are themselves responsible for - more blatant lies.
You obviously didn't read the second sentence above.
Yes - of course it's Congress' job to put forth and pass a budget each and every year. The president is the leader of the party. Dems controlled the house and senate. Again, no excuse.

So before you go getting all appalled at how little I know. You might actually check your facts.
keeveek: You need to check your fact before you start posting shit.

Both in 110th and 111th Congress Democracts had the majority. Only in 112th Congress Republicans won, and the 112th Congress exists since January 2011. So they could "block" Obamas "brilliant" reforms only for one year so far.

But yeah, blame the opposition :D It always works :D Our govt. is using the "opposition" argument even though they're rulling for two decades now and they have the majority.

"It's not me, it's them" worked in a preschool too.
KOCollins: Just a little FYI friend...You don't need a majority in USA to have filibusterers, and thus block votes. The democrats showed the republicans how to do this in the Bush years, the republicans then picked it up rather well or so I heard. Our political system was designed with the idea of compromise, lately though this really has not happened I'm afraid.
Just a little FYI right back at you. The Dems led by Harry Reid did not even put up a budget for vote! How could Republicans block something that never even came up for vote???
Post edited September 01, 2012 by clawhook
clawhook: Just a little FYI right back at you. The Dems led by Harry Reid did not even put up a budget for vote! How could Republicans block something that never even came up for vote???
Tell me, what exactly was in error about what I said? You give me one example of the democrats not putting something up to vote on, and so that means what I said wasn't true? Further, in case you didn't notice I have little love for anyone in congress, like most of America. What is their approval rating now, around 10%? So I'm not sure why you need to get defensive. Congress is not serving this country or it's people. That includes both sides of the aisle. This thinking that it's all one side that is ruining this country is an easy way for political parties to keep their base fired-up and voting for their people. Truth is they are both doing a bad job, and it is both of their faults. It's time we started working together, and stopped letting smaller issues get in the way of the biggest issue: insuring the prosperity of our country for future generations. That is what matters in the end. The squabbling happening is just ridiculous and bad for all of us, democrat, republican, or like me the fed-up party.
You're all full of patooty. Elect me for President and people will get free hookers and blow. Daily.

If you're not into blow I can provide you with beer.

On a serious note, aren't you guys tired of fighting back and forth? When are you going to realize a two party system is balls?