Rodzaju: 4) anything from the GOG catalogue
Pick a number, any number....
Plus of course, which game you want to win...
Question for you - this "pick a number, any number", is it for your 4 categories and we pick any of the 4 we would enter for OR is it any number in the whole spectrum of numbers and the one who comes closest is the winner of the 4th category?
I browsed the thread and see people have seen it both ways so thought I would ask for clarification.
Anyways, if the first, I'm in for option 4 and the game I am currently most looking forward to is a bit pricey so will go for another strategy option on my wishlist - Children of the Nile Complete. If I'm picking any number, it will be 250 for TinyE's rep goal.
Thank you kind sir and grats on your 4 stars!