Kennethor: There is no more to say, I don't understand why this thread has gone on and on and on so far.
Like I've said, who are we to tell if women are complaining to much about their exposure in games as an example?
I can dig up several things that show that women are extremly objectified in just games, but nobody here would change opinion or attitude.
Take what happened at Dreamhack for example, a woman shoved a banana down her throat and was then covered in milk by a man while the guys in the crowd cheered. How can somebody say that this is not twisted?
Women in game are sexualized, marginalized, objectualized, and abused ... writing attention whore articles and sensationalizing even the most minor issue to farm page hits for profit is not helping. The issue at hand is that
RPS is the -only- video game blog site dedicated to PC gaming, and they are nothing but mouth breathing drama whores hell bent on embodying the stigma that PC gamers are self entitled fuck-tards who insist that every game be released exclusively on Steam.
Every time their page views slip they write up some dick-head article pretending to white knight for equality, then they happily disclaim that they have no freedom of speech policy and will selectively moderate any post on whim.
This is a writing team with zero diversity: no women & no "ethnicity" in the staff; all 5 of the site's writers are
straight white men. They are a pack of fucking assholes who, by default, are the pinnacle media representation for all PC gaming whether we like it or not.
... and we don't, so we bitch impotently about them here whenever they do something extreme / noteworthy. P.S. Every once in a while they do have a female freelance writer show up (she has also written for almost every game site and is an incredibly good writer), but her perspective on feminism and how she writes about sexist content looks misogynistic next to the white knight stance the regular writers have taken up.