Kurina: This is speculation on my end of course, but I imagine if RPS handled this more professionally and thought their approach through better, most people that don't care would ignore this and move on.
I don't see that, not one bit. Take babark's link to
Blizzard's response, scroll down and start to read the comments. Doesn't make me confident that it might be so.
Kurina: So I guess that is part of the problem, to me anyways. It is not that this topic is a bad one, but that it is not being handled well. There is discussion, and then there are witch hunts that want to shame developers but offer no insight and analysis that really explores this problem.
Which is my point and proven in this very thread: the witch hunt from gamers against RPS for daring to ask those questions / taking this opinion. How can we demand from RPS to handle this topic better / more professional / more unbiased / whatever, when we obviously fail at that?
There are exceptions, no doubt. But I wouldn't dare to claim the majority of gamers handling this "discussion" well. :P
Siannah: Create an FPS game with all males wearing nothing but thongs, while females run around fully dressed. I doubt the result of how many gamers play it, would be the same as when it's the other way around. :)
Kurina: Sure, then you will have nobody playing your game. You will have alienated most of your male audience, and the girls that still do not enjoy this type of gameplay will continue to avoid it. Again, this type of argument ignores the fact that there is more to this than simply how a character looks in game.
You're overseeing one key factor: that this applies to the male audience, too. And that there's an increasing trend of males being put off by this type of game design. That there are males who don't necessarily have a problem with sexualized content in their games, but don't need it in every second title and / or think it's been overdone / overused.
Fallout: New Vegas is a prime example I can give, though in the violence department. I like my blood splatters and wild, violent actions as the next guy does. However, in F:NV starting around lvl 5 (from 50) on every second human enemy I've gotten head / limbs exploding / dismembering - and every time in slow motion. After less then 2 hours, it passed the "getting old quickly" mark and became off-putting, at least for me. It's just overdone and the first mod I install when I want to play it again, is a "less gore" one.
There is a point where it becomes just too much for some and where it get's annoying - and that's also true for the sexualized content.