AndyBuzz: As for proof, keep in mind that if someone wants to believe something, they will believe it no matter the evidence to the contrary.
If there is indeed proof (and not mere indications), then belief becomes irrelevant.
AndyBuzz: -Leia+Luke kissing [this might seem insignificant but can't for the life of me imagine Lucas and studio execs throwing an incest joke in a PG movie]
That true, Luke and Leia's family relationship hadn't been defined before. But that only shows that he hadn't thought of all details, not that he hadn't the outlines of the overall story, which is what he claims.
AndyBuzz: -Obi saying to Luke that Vader betrayed and killed his father
Does that count Ben's uneasy feeling while thinking about what he was about to say? Or Ben's quick glance and smile at Luke when he (Luke) sees Vader for the first time? Coincidence? Either way, that doesn't prove anything. It could be interpreted both ways.
AndyBuzz: -the Force disregarded as ancient religion and superstition while just 20 years ago the Jedi were a very well known and respected order
Is that a contradiction? The Jedi were always portrayed as a monastic/religious order.
AndyBuzz: and a multitude of other details, important or obscure that make any suspension of disbelief impossible.
Not my suspension of disbelief, and certainly not of many others aswell.
AndyBuzz: Let alone the fact no one (not even Lucas) expected the crazy success the first film had, so it goes without saying that initially he designed a stand alone movie.
Which ends up justifying a lot of possible inconsistencies, doesn't it?
AndyBuzz: The only thing I believe holds some water is that Lucas had the general outline of the story lined out while fleshing out the first movie. This is akin to the guideline every creative writing course or book highlight: Create the main characters' and the world they live in, in as many details as you can. This is a fair amount of preparatory work and it's not at all trivial, but between that and actually writing 3 movies worth of narrative there's a BIG gap.
A couple of years ago, while reading Star Wars related behind the scenes books and interviews from the '80s, I caught some tidbits that help support Lucas' claims. Things like Anakin being a slave as a child, for example. Important plot points were also already defined, like Alderaan, the planet of Luke and Leia's mother being blocked and invaded. Lucas later changed Alderaan to Naboo in order to give a more wider scope to both the story and the galaxy. It was an interesting read.
BlueMooner: I'm reminded of a part of RedLetterMedia's awesome review of the Phantom Menace:
Awesome is hardly the word I would use to define that "review". Most of the time he ignores what is being shown on purpose in order to criticize just for the sake of it. It's interesting when I try to have a discussion with people who use those videos as "evidence" of anything, and they always ends up with comments like "hey, this is all a joke, it's not to be taken seriously". And for those interested, [url=!download|610p4|1735047526|Red_Letter_Media_s_Episode_I_Review_-_A_Study_in_Fanboy_Stupidity.pdf|1749|0|0]someone made a rebuttal[/url] that shows the fallacious reasoning of that "review".