anjohl: The creator gave them life, but we sustain it, not the creator.
We sustain it?
anjohl: And anyone that cannot accept the "denial" of additions to a story/character needs to grow up or get out more.
Who are you to decide if others see it as denial or not?
anjohl: I hate to be blunt, but if you are going to drink whatever the people who control the characters you love are selling, without questioning the motives or the justifications for the additions, you will have a labored, materialistic live.
Fortunately that's not the case. But so that you know, some people can actually like the drink they are given. You can't say other people tastes as wrong or whatever just because you don't like them.
anjohl: Also, about Star Wars, explain: 1) Double Bladed lightsabers disappearing between episode 6 and 1.
What kind of question is that? Are you implying that there needs to be some sort of justification for double bladed lightsabers not existing in the original trilogy? If yes, why?
anjohl: 2) Cloaking devices disappearing between episode 4 and 1
Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's like saying Yoda not being in A New Hope is some kind of inconsistency. Things don't appear because simply they aren't needed or haven't been created yet.
anjohl: And either way, who says Lucas had any concrete story in mind back then, even if you believe that he "intentionally" started in the middle?
Who says? Lucas.
anjohl: So, an artist can go back and change anything he or she wants, and we are supposed to accept it unquestioning just because they say "I always wanted to do prequels"??!?
You accept it if you want, but who are you to decide that he can't go back and change anything he wants? Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple.
anjohl: My god people, grow a set, live in the world around you, and unplug, just for a day or so, PLEASE.
What's the correlation here?
anjohl: The consumerism of this generation is appalling. our parents and grandparents put people on the moon, pulled down the berlin wall, created the UN, the geneva conventions, and the best we can do is buy as much stuff as an IP holder can produce?
Bad strawman. What kind of comparison is that? Who are you to judge someone who likes what they are buying? And what does that has anything to do with putting people on the moon or creating the UN? Grow up.