JudasIscariot: You can't pay me enough Euros to go to one of the Warsaw stadiums or the Poznan ones where some hooligan spits on people wearing the national colors. Fuck guys like Litar and Staruch...
Yeah, the crowd ruins it for me too, my grandpa used to be part of Arka Gdynia [in the club, not as a player], back in the day, did lots of sports, infected my mom with it, and it came down on me too, bloody love watching some good soccer, i even play what we call "para-pilka" (lots of beer, totally amateur 'let's play until 10 goals, and drink another one, then repeat' kinda thing) and i don't feel the urge to go to a stadium and watch a match. Not with those bozos running around.
I only know Staruch from his recent antics, he seemed rational, though he probably deals in the 100-flare's shows. Don't know who Litar is, though.
Imagine fans like that on rock concerts, we love the band so much we decided to make a lot of smoke. You want to enjoy the show, but no, a lame as punk and his 50 cronies storm the place with flares singing songs how great the band is, ruining the show.