bitter_luddite: Just in case it's not clear, this is a HOCKEY riot. It's actually a rare occurrence, even in Canada. Hockey is an entertaining sport to watch, so hockey fandom doesn't revolve around the sideshow stuff that soccer fans use to keep interest in their insanely dull sport. Hockey rioting is kind of a tradition in Vancouver though. I'm sure they'll go back to using the fear of causing one as an excuse for why they lose in the first two rounds.
On a somewhat related note: I can't tell you how much fun it was to see Bobby Lou humiliated.
DukeNukemForever: I would say the show part belongs more to the american way of view. I know from some canadians that hockey is special to them, closer than football is for us europeans than like the other sports for your americans. While there is a closer connection and tradition there are also more emotions involved. This doesn't mean that riots are tolerable, of course not.
About the dull part we better don't start a discussion ;-) You really don't want to know what most europeans think about american footbal, baseball or basketball.
Edit: Ok, I must add that basketball is also popular in south europe, especially in greece. But this basketball is absoluety different to yours. I know that hockey is big up there (I'm rather fond of it myself). Still, only Vancouver and Montreal ever seem to riot over it.
Also, I'm aware of what Europeans think of sports other than soccer. Specifically, from hearing Europeans talk about them I'm aware that they've rarely actually watched them. Also, I wasn't the first to start in on soccer vs North American sports. Not surprising really, as it breaks out whenever ANY sport is mentioned on an international message board.
The last thing I'll say on the soccer subject is that the amount of stuff soccer crowds have time for is NOT a good sign. It doesn't resemble anything that goes on during American professional sports. It does, however, look an awful lot like American college sports, where many of the fans are notoriously more interested in the rituals and rivalries than they are in whatever sporting event is actually taking place.
Ok, that's all. I've insulted both soccer AND American college sports, so I don't think there is anyone left to piss off.