orcishgamer: Wow, I didn't know about the Steam vs. WON story, sounds a lot like how Blizzard destroyed BNetD. Blizzard were complete tools at the time, their official battle.net was full of so much D2 duping that no one wanted to play there; but heaven forbid anyone not play on their platform! I still can't believe they won that lawsuit.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Eh. I have no problem with companies being able to shut down rogue servers if they have fully functional servers up. From what I've seen, hacked Bnet servers are primarily used for playing pirated copies online.
They didn't have fully functional servers, their servers had hacks galore all over them. They refused to fix exploits in a timely manner or fix the game (only one developer worked on patch 10 for an entire year or more).
Aside for that when Blizzard screamed that folks could play pirated copies on a BNetD server the BNetD guys said "You know, if it bothers you, expose a service and we'll send a query with the CDKey and you can tell the BNetD server if it's valid". Blizzard refused and sued instead.
Also, I don't know if you know what BNetD was, it was a group of programmers that reverse engineered a sever (in other words, programmed their own Diablo 2 and Starcraft server) and released the source code to anyone who wanted to run their own local server can avoid the horrid battle.net environment and yet have persistent characters with their friends. They did not steal server code and run it somewhere while charging admission, somehow.
OmegaX: That's exactly what I've been saying all this time but you wouldn't believe how many fanboys at the Steam forums pull the "Valve-will-make-ALL-games-DRM-free-if-Steam-goes-down" card and claim Gabe said so. Even mods keep spreading that misinformation and it only makes Valve look like God's gift to gaming.
Red_Avatar: EXACTLY. It's not about whether this is would happen or not, it's about Valve helping to spread misinformation about it to appease the crowds. Developers have remarked on the forums before that they'd find a way to make the games work without Steam but that's simply not possible without the permission of everyone involved and they'd never get that permission. Steam IS the copy protection. Because Valve have been downright lying about this, they aren't exactly giving me any confidence.
It won't happen, I can promise you.