tinyE: I was being a smartass. I would NEVER actually do that and I don't blame you for being disgusted by someone who would.
I have had to stop watching Mel Gibson movies but he dug that grave himself.
tfishell: As long as it's not just because he happened to make a movie about Jesus Christ, I'm reasonably okay with this. ;) However, I still really like his Lethal Weapon films.
HAHAHA! No not his Christ movie. I'm not a religeous man but I thought that was actually a pretty good flick, and I still worship Max. In fact I would never hold it against someone because he made a shit movie, just look at the crap I watch.
No, Mel has been nailed more than once, and once is too much, for both his drunken anti-semetic rants and his drunken spousal abuse. Some have said we need to cut him some slack because he is an alcoholic, bullshit! I am an alcoholic, sober for seven years now, and all those years I never once called anyone a racially derogatory term and I never got into a fight with, well anyone. Why? Because I'm not a racist and I'm not a wife beater. Booze doesn't cut it for an excuse.
Velvet, sorry for jacking your thread. No hard feelings. I'm really digging Morrowind; way better than Oblivion and oddly enough way cooler looking.