F4LL0UT: It's got nothing to do with the language barrier, I know what you're saying, I just disagree. I mean, of course it is kinda crazy that some people will pay a hundred times the worth of something just because they can but the point is, everyone in the world (with really few exceptions) who has more money than he needs to get by spends that money on luxuries. The point is that everybody is wasteful and it's funny to accuse rich people of being more wasteful - of course they are because they have more money. I mean, they also have bigger houses, more expensive cars, more expensive clothing etc. while they don't need that stuff - it seems more absurd in case of beverages but it's not, it's all about exclusivity, status symbols etc.. The outrage is ridiculous in either case. Just be happy that there's legit businesses where the rich can spend their money so they can at least somewhat fuel the economy. It definitely beats hoarding money on Swiss bank accounts.
Well I can certainly appreciate that you disagree, I thought you were misunderstanding what I was saying. But, the last part of your post I do have to completely disagree with. In America, they call that trickle down economics, and in recent years it's been shown to be completely false. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poor. Our country is in a recession. Normal people with families are losing jobs and are seeing pay cuts. Meanwhile, the rich people are somehow magically getting richer while everyone else in the country is struggling and losing financial ground. Rich people aren't just getting richer - they are richer then they ever have been, even though we're in a recession! So you see, there is a real problem here, and the rich ultimately are not putting their money back into the economy. They are actually sitting on hordes and hordes of record profits, possibly because of uncertainty about the stock market. There is data to back all of this up - right now, the rich are not doing anything at all to benefit our economy. I'm not saying they are obligated to, but I'm just pointing out that the concept of 'trickle down economics' is completely false.
And besides, in terms of economic benefit for a country, I would argue that having every member of a society making a decent salary stimulates the economy far more than having a few rich people with a ton of money. I'm not advocated socialism here!!! Like I said, I don't believe we should forcefully redistribute wealth. Just having a discussion, that's all.