keeveek: You need to realize, that if you have internet, computer, money for your food and a little extra for your hobbies / luxuries, you are in the 5% of the richest people on the planet.
F4LL0UT: Well, considering that Facebook claims to have one billion active users (confirmed by the company's financial reports) it seems that far more than 5% of the world population have a computer and internet access. But I agree with your post, it's stupid to complain about the behaviour of "rich people". Most people are just behaving adequately to their social class.
Let me say again that I don't have a problem with people being rich necessary, though I disagree with how they choose to spend their excessive wealth. Having said that, I'd like to put my point of view another way:
Let's say that a person makes 25k a year in America. 25k is a low salary in American terms. The average salary in the US is around 43k, so 25k if about half of that. You can easily get by on 25k, but you'll have to watch your spending on things like food and games and what not. This is assuming you live on your own. You may argue that a person in Africa can live on a dollar a day, so our 25k seems excessive in that sense. Okay, perhaps you're right - but in America, 25k is really only paying the bills every month and not leaving much for an excessive lifestyle.
Now let's consider a person who makes 100,000,000 USD, and lives in America. Recall that the average wage in the US is 43k. That rich person could afford to give up 90,000,000 and still have 10,000,000!!!!!! Ten fucking million! You can live an incredibly rich lifestyle on even a fraction of 10 million. So my point is, it's not really fair to use the argument that a person making a small salary in America is the same as a rich person in terms of comparing excessive lifestyles with other cultures. They aren't even remotely related in that sense. Depending on where you live, a low salary can be a lot or a little, but no matter where you live, being rich is still being rich. Having a vacation home that you can afford is a nice treat for yourself. Having 17 vacation homes is excessive.
Keep in mind I'm discussing people with excessive wealth here, not just anyone who lives an above average lifestyle.
Qwertyman: So you think a person who gets by an on average salary in their country is just as bad as a person who makes hundreds of millions of dollars that would be considered rich no matter where they were? Strange line of thinking. However, If you'd read my previous posts you'd see that I don't exactly have a problem with people being rich.
F4LL0UT: So now it's not just about "wasting money" but being rich in general? :P