Posted November 17, 2008
Ah the good ol' days... or not.
This has been argued before but it hasn't had its own topic yet so I'll bring it up here. That's right I'm calling shenanigans on all you deviant retrophiles.
As much as I love the idea of GOG I can't help but take with a grain of salt all the 5 star reviews I see on practically 90% of the games in the catalogue. I'm sure we all have our own nostalgia for classic games, but that perhaps is what may be clouding our objective criticism. Which isn't a big deal in itself since we're just gamers and not professional critics, but when people start bashing on the state of the gaming industry today it just irks me a little.
I think the quality of modern games are as great as ever if not better. When we think back about retro games, we only tend to remember the great games and not all that other crap that everyone likes to pretend never happened because back then every single game was perfect. Right?
On the other hand there are many EXCELLENT titles that were released in recent times. But for one reason or another these games haven't been discovered or fully appreciated yet. Or probably never will be and just fade away into obscurity as a cult classic. Then a few years down the road, we'll all say "Ah what about the good old days during the early 2000s... that was when all the best games were made."
There are some retro games that will forever be classic and timeless. But then there were also those that were just good games that if you go back and play with honest perspective, you have to agree that there were limitations and flaws which warranted remedy.
Modern games have been building upon earlier ideas to streamline and improve tried and true game formulas. Sometimes for the better, sometimes they completely fuck it up. But either way you'll have some people who won't be happy.
For the most part though, I'm still enjoying videogames more than ever. My tastes are always changing but I believe if you want to have the most fun, you just have to chill and have an open mind. Evolution is inevitable. Have an open mind to all the changes that are being implemented. Good ideas will live on and bad ones will never be spoken of again.
So every time someone says "Oh games today only care about gr@FHIcsssXZZ not enough about gaymePLAYsssZZZ" I'll have to murder them. Seriously, because you're old and need to die. It's really the merciful thing to do.
This has been argued before but it hasn't had its own topic yet so I'll bring it up here. That's right I'm calling shenanigans on all you deviant retrophiles.
As much as I love the idea of GOG I can't help but take with a grain of salt all the 5 star reviews I see on practically 90% of the games in the catalogue. I'm sure we all have our own nostalgia for classic games, but that perhaps is what may be clouding our objective criticism. Which isn't a big deal in itself since we're just gamers and not professional critics, but when people start bashing on the state of the gaming industry today it just irks me a little.
I think the quality of modern games are as great as ever if not better. When we think back about retro games, we only tend to remember the great games and not all that other crap that everyone likes to pretend never happened because back then every single game was perfect. Right?
On the other hand there are many EXCELLENT titles that were released in recent times. But for one reason or another these games haven't been discovered or fully appreciated yet. Or probably never will be and just fade away into obscurity as a cult classic. Then a few years down the road, we'll all say "Ah what about the good old days during the early 2000s... that was when all the best games were made."
There are some retro games that will forever be classic and timeless. But then there were also those that were just good games that if you go back and play with honest perspective, you have to agree that there were limitations and flaws which warranted remedy.
Modern games have been building upon earlier ideas to streamline and improve tried and true game formulas. Sometimes for the better, sometimes they completely fuck it up. But either way you'll have some people who won't be happy.
For the most part though, I'm still enjoying videogames more than ever. My tastes are always changing but I believe if you want to have the most fun, you just have to chill and have an open mind. Evolution is inevitable. Have an open mind to all the changes that are being implemented. Good ideas will live on and bad ones will never be spoken of again.
So every time someone says "Oh games today only care about gr@FHIcsssXZZ not enough about gaymePLAYsssZZZ" I'll have to murder them. Seriously, because you're old and need to die. It's really the merciful thing to do.