htown1980: Did you even read his post? He was clearly referring to its use to describe someone with a handicap...
I read it but I do think I took his last sentence the wrong way. I have since clarified.
BadDecissions: Fuck "hyperbole". You want to be able to use slurs, and when someone tells you that you're gross, you start whining about being a "product of your time." And when it's pointed out that "being a product of your time" doesn't magically excuse bad behavior, you start whining that your bad behavior is completely different.
know that you've admitted (so generous of you) that calling the mentally handicapped "retarded" is wrong. You then refuse to change language even though you know it causes pain to a group that's been
horrifically oppressed, because who cares about causing "tiny minorities" pain when you can make a linguistic argument.
You're missing the whole god damn point.
Using the word a specific WAY is offensive. This applies to literally hundreds of words from gay to bitch to loser. That does not mean it is a slur that we must never speak and use the term "r-word" to convey. THAT is what I have a problem with.
Words like nigger, fag and kike (in America anyway) have no use outside of being slurs. This is not true for the term retarded.
We can speak all day about not calling PEOPLE that word, I have no problem with that. I am saying outlawing the word ENTIRELY is stupid. And yes, the fact I said the word 1,000,000 times in high school when talking about anything from the Sega CD to dial-up internet is certainly a factor. You can't retroactively change language and socialization.
You're the exact person this thread is about. You cannot see past the specific offensive situation or understand the complicated motivations involved, you just want to belittle others for not being as socially enlightened as yourself, even if that enlightenment is manufactured.