tinyE: If more people were like you this would be a non-issue.
Also if my service providers didn't have their heads of their assess I could respond to these post quicker. :P
Stuff: Here you are whining in yet another "rep sucks" thread?? You insist on playing the victim of unfair down repping. If you want to be the forum bad boy you should man up and take the negative feedback (in the form of down reps) that doing so generates.
You have been given advice by many community members on many occasions on how to avoid the wrath of the community yet . . you insist on spam posting, making inflammatory remarks and other idiot posts that will get down repped . . . you do it over and over and over and over. The similarities between you and GameRager are amazing as he too played the victim, claimed attacks, ignored advice.
There are tens of thousands of community member posting on a regular basis. IMHO, disregarding the obvious trolls and spam . . less that 20 people get down repped by the community in a given week or month. Your reputation, having nothing to do with your rep number, is a major factor for why your passive/aggressive tactics generate down reps.
As an example,
here you are down repped. Looks unfair unless you know that your original post read as follows:
"The OP of this thread got derepped for asking a fair question and stating a valid opinion. I got derepped in this thread for making a joke about the name of West Virginia. As insanely stupid as dripping me is for that comment I really don't care so have at it, but to whoever low repped the OP for a simple question and observarion I offer you the following: FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR MOTHER AND YOUR MOTHER'S MOTHER AND THEN FUCK THE GUY WHO MADE THE FAULTY CONDOM THAT BROKE THUS ALLOWING A USELESS WAD OF MAGGOT SHIT LIKE YOU TO EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Have a nice day! :D?
Several hours later you edit the post which makes it look like you have been unfairly "targeted" once again. I saved the post KNOWING that you would soon be in yet another thread dedicated to removing the communities only means of self moderation.
Keep doing your thing, I don't have a problem with it as I ignore your posts nowadays. It's your reputation that has me ignoring your posts . . not the number under your avatar. Man up and take responsibility for your actions if you are going to continue.