teshra: So if I understand this edit correctly, what you are saying if you get the timestamps for a particular forum user who makes a post, and within an hour somebody got de-repped, that would be your proof that the person who posted clicked the minus button?
No, you've (quite reasonably) misunderstood. What I requested was the timestamps of all the posts in a topic the suspect was active. I would then plot a graph of that users post times against the rep loss times and post that. If it showed a correlation, it would be evidence of my suspicions (but not proof, that would require actual rating data) and if not, it would show they weren't doing anything "behind the scenes". So yeah, the first anyone heard of my suspicions in that latter case would very well have been "I thought X, but it doesn't seem to be the case". Without any externally verifiable data, I had nothing to back my claim up, which is why I haven't made it public.
teshra: I gotta be missing something because there is no way logically that situation A (posting) would lead anyone to assume situation B (downrepping) was being done by the same person between 1 and 60 minutes later.
That is why I needed the forum timestamps, I'd have better granularity (~15 minutes). It is reasonable to think there is a link when something happens "at the same time" as something else
over 10 times, but
doesn't happen any other time..
I would really like to make further comment on this, but it would be really obvious (if it isn't already) who I was referring to if I did and I don't want to just voice my suspicions without any verifiable supporting evidence at all.
teshra: Hundreds of people make posts every hour, maybe a handful get uprepped and derepped in that same hour. How do you know that particular forum user isn't actually uprepping and someone who hasn't even posted in that hour is downrepping?
I wouldn't. Again, it wouldn't be proof, it would be evidence supporting my suspicion.
teshra: Besides that, how does this theory give credence to the multiple accounts theory? Do you think someone with 100 accounts is logging each in systematically, making a post to show their presence and then going to downrep posts from months ago such that this system will catch that person in the act? Because if that's the case, this OCD person has 100 accounts each with well over 100 rep while systematically targeting their enemies.
... why are you bringing up the 100 accounts thing? That's just.. weird. It has nothing to do with what is being discussed.
teshra: I don't know man, seems like a huge leap to take if I'm following correctly. Very extreme conspiracy theory with a bunch of assumptions being made. Feel free to make it more clear because this part doesn't seem logical the way I currently read it.
What is a "very extreme conspiracy theory"? What are the assumptions?