wpegg: Do you think that even a sadist feels his actions are unjust? Even then I'd expect that they would justify them with a basic defensive statement such as "The strong should be in control" or "People crave pain, they just don't want to admit it".
This, right here, was my line of reasoning for years, so I feel weird arguing against it... When I've told people "I don't believe anyone would be capable of committing an act they'd themselves recognized as evil" people merely shook their heads and looked at me condescendingly.
I can't give you a satisfactory answer, but here's what little I can think of: at some point we can define "think is right" to mean almost the same thing as "want to", or at the very least to apply to the same set of situations with a different connotation (compare: "to have a heart" - "to have kidneys"). At that point the claim that anyone can do what they think is wrong would be a contradiction.
- - -
A few loose images:
"Giving in to temptation", having that slice of cake, etc.
A person apologizing profusely after giving in to, say, anger. A wife-beater saying "never again".
A troll saying and doing things for the amusement of watching others suffer.
In general - a "malicious" person.
wpegg: In my time on this world, I've never met someone that is evil for the sake of it.
I hope you never will. This is a very dark and terrifying side of the human psyche, one I can scarcely comprehend.
The desire to destroy, maim, kill... Haven't you seen people playing, say, GTA not for the story, but simply to get their hands on some weapons and cause mayhem? Hell - Postal is probably a more common example... Now imagine this drive unleashed on the world around us.
Think of children who get a kick out of ripping the legs off of flies, "kicking puppies".
You may argue that there is a level of conscious "I want this, it feels good, it's right" that's going on, but this ultimately IS the radical evil.
Oh, I got it: these people don't use the WORD "evil". They simply want to do X for X's sake, with X being something objectively (please don't dwell on this aspect) evil.
wpegg: I would actually be interested to meet a person that believed they were doing something wrong, and continued to do it (Edit, barring addiction or coersion of course).
So things like Milgram's experiment don't count, eh? I've read somewhere that plenty of serial killers are actually driven by a compulsion, so this might count as "addiction"...
Would you like to meet someone who says things like "u mad bro ?" ? They might be a (relatively) mild example...
xyem: If GOG won't provide it, I will simply build my own system that constantly scans the forum logging
everything it can see. I will be able to mirror the GOG forums. All public data, after all..
Either GOG helps me with this problem or I will do it myself.
You're slowly crossing the line between "well-meaning investigator" and "mad (computer) scientist"...
jamotide: He would make a really good STASI agent, maybe he is working with PRISM.
Lustration came to my mind,
along with a fairly known movie... I can already picture people burning their downvotes at a landfill...
jamotide: I could see that abuse by multiple accounts is a bit of a problem (not really a big one, since rep is so pointless), but he seems to be more concerned about normal users downrepping anything. Anyway, its going to be funny when he succeeds and then him and his comrades turn into crusading downreppers themselves.
THE Nietzsche quote feels irresistibly appropriate...