Gammix: It would be really nice to be able to see which of my posts got + or - repped, and it would also be good if there was a function to allow people to leave a little note saying why they approve or disapprove. Part of the purpose of rep is so that people can indicate approval or disapproval of something somebody says, but that doesn't work if there's no way to find out which posts got + or - repped and why that is. I've used another forum that had this system, and it was really handy.
Thanks for reading,
It takes a few votes but there is the high/low rated display, the high rated one has the green text saying its high rated and the low rated ones are hidden by default.
I can sort of understand why the opinion on the vote is a good idea, thats sort of what the rest of the thread is for, saying "I agree/disagree because..."
Weclock: How about this, they take away all the rep from everyone but me, and then give it all to me. And then I laugh at you, as you all realize how pointless your reputation points actually were.
You're only saying that because your pointless number is smaller than my pointless number. Its a clear case of pointless number envy