Posted October 04, 2010

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted October 04, 2010

2)One can be a worthy member of the community even without answering questions.
2 - Good point. However, one person adding/taking rep for all the posts of another user should not have the effect it's having right now.
I guess it would be better if taking rep from a user required a minimum of X users to mark down a specific post, while plus rep could be handled in a manner that a single user only actually effects the rep of another user once in Y time limit.
That might be one way of ensuring it's slightly easier to get rep, but harder to lose it simply because you pissed off one person.
For reference, the Steam forum reputation system only allows admins to reward negative rep (while moderators can wipe rep to 0). Normal users can reward X amount of rep 5 times within a 24 hour period. Each of those 5 times is also on it's own 24 hour timer.
The amount of rep rewarded is apparently worked out as follows:
1 rep point for the first 50 posts (those with less posts cannot alter someone else's reputation)
1 rep for every 1000 posts
1 rep for every year you have been registered on the forums
1 rep for every 100 rep that has been rewarded to you
With a cap of 60 rep maximum.
I really doubt we need anything so convoluted here, but the system certainly does need some tweaking or fixing.

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted October 04, 2010

That might be one way of ensuring it's slightly easier to get rep, but harder to lose it simply because you pissed off one person.

I can't hear you
Registered: Sep 2008
From Australia
Posted October 04, 2010

That might be one way of ensuring it's slightly easier to get rep, but harder to lose it simply because you pissed off one person.